5. Soulmates

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"Can I trust you?" Taken aback by Jennie's sudden question, a confused Jungkook assured her, "Of course, you can trust me. It's my job to protect the witnesses," he answered, thinking she was referring to herself being in danger if she said anything. Eager to know if she actually saw or knew something, Jungkook asked her again, "You can talk to me. I will make sure to bring justice for Y/N."

Jennie looked at Jungkook and took a deep breath. Sensing her unease, Jungkook said, "Relax, you need water."

"I'm not scared for myself, I'm just asking if I can trust you or not, because you don't really have a good reputation," Jennie replied.

Jungkook's expression shifted, a flicker of concern crossing his features as he wondered if Jennie had gleaned information about his less-than-ideal past and his questionable work life. But he soon made an expressionless face and continued with arrogance in his voice, "I'm not here to make you trust me or anything, I'm doing my job, miss, and you have to cooperate if you really want your friend to get justice." Jungkook looked at Jennie, and he knew he was successful at shaking her up.

Jennie looked at him and shook her head, saying, "I'm sorry. I was just making sure that Y/N gets the justice she deserves."

Jungkook nodded, understanding her perspective. He continued as he put his phone on the table and activated the recording, "So tell me what exactly happened. I need to know everything that happened that day related to Y/N. Don't miss any details you know because every single detail may be crucial, even ones you may think are not valid."

Jennie suddenly closed her eyes, as if recalling something so dreadful, something that would haunt her for the rest of her life. When she opened her eyes, tears welled up, but she held them back, refusing to let them fall. She whispered, 'I found her... in the alley behind Lux. She... she was unconscious, lying there... It was... it was horrifying.' Her voice trembled as she tried to continue, but words failed her.

Understanding her distress, Jungkook poured some water into a glass and offered it to her. "Drink this," he said gently.

She looked at him and then at the glass he held out to her. Taking it, she gulped down the water as if she hadn't had any in days. When Jungkook asked if she wanted more, she shook her head no.

Seeing that Jennie had composed herself somewhat, Jungkook asked, "Can you continue?"

Jennie nodded and said, "The way she was lying there, I knew exactly what had happened to her, and for a moment I couldn't do anything. I just stood there. But when reality hit me, I called Felix, Y/N's younger brother, and..." She paused, looking at Jungkook. "I ran to Lux and grabbed clothes for Y/N."

Jungkook interrupted, "Wait, so you're saying the clothes submitted to the police aren't the ones she was wearing when she was attacked?"

With her head lowered, Jennie said, "No... I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't have done that, but I couldn't let her little brother see her like that."

And that's all she could take to break down. She cried and cried, knowing she had to stop. This wasn't the right time, but she had been holding back her tears since the moment she saw her best friend, her soulmate, lying there unconscious that night.

Jungkook watched as the girl broke down in front of him. He understood one thing clearly: Y/N was incredibly important to Jennie. The fire in her eyes, the determination to seek justice and avenge what had been done to Y/N, mirrored the same fire he had seen in Y/N's father and brother.

Noticing Jennie taking control of her emotions, Jungkook queried her, "Do you know anything else that could help the investigation? Anyone you suspect?"

Jennie took a moment to compose herself before responding, her voice steadier now. "There's nothing specific I can point to at the moment," she began. "But she had enemies, we had enemies. There are people who hated us because when we chose this path of helping those in need, we made enemies along the way. But I don't know if someone could do this to her for that."

Jungkook asked her, "Any strange behavior you noticed from her? Was she disturbed or scared, or something like that?"

Jennie immediately replied, "No. Her exams are coming up, and she takes her studies seriously. She always had a timetable when exams were approaching, so she had a particular time for other things."

Jungkook nodded his head and said, "Did she have any relationships?"

"No," Jennie said to him as soon as he completed his sentence.

"How come you're so sure about that? Any secret relationship?" Jungkook asked again.

Cutting him off, Jennie retorted, "No, she didn't have any secret relationship. She didn't have time for that. Trust me, I know," Jennie added, looking at him with irritation.

Equally irritated, Jungkook continued, "Okay, did she ever mention any other people who disturbed her or tried to pursue her, or perhaps a stalker?"

Jennie looked at him and said, "She had guys following her around all the time, but not a stalker. Wait, there was this guy from her college. Usually, she could easily handle guys who tried to court her, but this guy was very persistent. Even after she rejected his proposal, he was adamant."

Jungkook nodded, prompting, "And his name?"

"Hwang In Yeop," Jennie replied.

"Okay, so now I'm leaving, but you have to be there when we call you for further investigation, so I expect your full cooperation," Jungkook said to Jennie.

Jennie nodded her head and left from there, leaving Jungkook alone. He sat there for a moment, contemplating the gravity of his actions. But before he could dwell on it further, his phone rang, displaying the caller ID: Minister's Office.

Answering the call, Jungkook listened as the minister informed him, "You can meet the boys. I will send you the address."

Jungkook responded with a simple "okay".

He stood up from his seat and stepped outside to his car. As he glanced around, he noticed that the crowd had grown even larger than before. Surveying the sea of posters and impassioned faces, he couldn't help but wonder, "What kind of person are you, Y/N, for making these people do these things?" The question lingered in his mind.

As Jungkook stood there leaning against his car, Chan and Yeonjun approached him. Chan spoke first, "All the people gathered here are Miss Y/N's college friends, school friends, and others she worked with."

Yeonjun chimed in as soon as Chan finished, "None of them were with her at the time of the incident. Nothing suspicious."

Jungkook nodded, absorbing the information. They got into the car, and Jungkook reached for his phone, finding a text message from the minister's personal number.

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