14. Her Voice, Her Choice

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In the college cafeteria, a girl expressed her gratitude, "Thank you so much for the help, Y/N. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be standing here in front of you."

Y/N sighed before responding, "I did nothing, we all did. We got what was rightfully ours. Come on, Da-mi, it's education we're talking about, and the scholarship we worked our whole lives to get. No one can snatch that away from us."

"Oh, down to earth, are we? Okay then, let's play it that way," Da-mi said jokingly, still grateful for what Y/N had done.

Before Da-mi could continue, she noticed Hwang In Yeop entering the cafeteria with his gang. They were the infamous bullies of the college, known for being rich brats. Da-mi rolled her eyes at the way he stared at Y/N, who was calmly drinking her orange juice, seemingly oblivious to the commotion. "Girl, you should do something about him."

"Who?" Y/N asked, following Da-mi's gaze. She rolled her eyes as well, saying, "He just doesn't get it, does he?"

Hwang In Yeop, sensing that Y/N was about to leave, quickly walked towards her. Before Y/N and Da-mi could exit through the other door, he blocked their way.

"Are you shy? Is that why you're avoiding me?" he asked with a smirk.

Y/N forced a fake smile, or more accurately, made a thin line with her lips as she replied, "Shy? No." She paused before continuing, "Avoiding you? Yes."

Before Y/N could say more, Da-mi interjected, "You heard the girl. Why don't you just take the hint and disappear?"

Hwang In Yeop's face hardened at that. He glared at Da-mi, stepping forward as if to intimidate her, but before he could reach her, Y/N pulled Da-mi behind her, shielding her from him.

His eyes softened as he looked at Y/N, the distance between them now minimal. "Sorry, Y/N," he said. "I wasn't going to do anything to her. I just hate when someone talks between us."

"There is no 'us' in the first place. Why don't you understand that? How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not interested in you?" Y/N said, irritated by his relentless pursuit despite her repeated rejections.

The softness in his eyes vanished, replaced by a darker intensity. "I don't care where your interest lies. If I say you are mine, then you are mine," he declared, his voice firm and possessive. "You can try to resist all you want, but it won't change anything. I always get what I want, and right now, that's you."

Y/N took a deep breath, trying to remain calm. "Hwang In Yeop, you can't force someone to have feelings for you. This obsession is unhealthy and wrong. You need to respect my decision."

He scoffed, stepping closer. "Respect? You think I care about respect? I've seen the way you look at me. You just need to accept it. We belong together, whether you realize it or not."

"No, we don't," Y/N replied firmly, holding her ground. "You need to understand that no means no. This behavior is not okay, and it needs to stop."

Hwang In Yeop's expression darkened further. "Stop? Why would I stop when I know you'll come around eventually? You can play hard to get all you want, but in the end, you'll be mine. You have no choice in this."

Y/N clenched her fists, struggling to keep her composure. "I always have a choice, and I choose to stay away from you. This is my life, not something you can control. Please, leave me alone."

He laughed, a chilling sound. "Leave you alone? That's not going to happen. The sooner you accept your place, the easier it will be for both of us. Fighting me is pointless."

Before Y/N could say anything, Da-mi stepped forward, pulling Y/N behind her as if it were her turn to protect her friend. "Okay, you dickhead, she said no. So stop following her around like an idiot. Why don't you go and bully someone else, you know, your other hobby? Or I will complain to the police for harassing Y/N."

Hwang In Yeop chuckled, glaring at Da-mi. "Harassing her? Do you even know what harassment is?" He looked at one of his friends, who wore a dirty smirk, which the other guy returned. "If you don't, he can give you a demo."

Y/N stepped forward, her calm demeanor cracking, replaced with fierce determination. "Say that again, and I promise you I will charge you with harassment, stalking, and every other violation you've committed. Your money and connections won't save you from the law, Hwang In Yeop. This is your final warning. Leave us alone, or face the consequences."

Hwang In Yeop's eyes reflected fear, not from the threat of being reported to the police, but from Y/N's anger. He couldn't tolerate it. He wanted only love and smiles from her. "I was just kidding, Y/N. I'm sorry, okay? Please, baby, don't be angry with me."

Da-mi cringed at his words, while Y/N closed her eyes, trying to keep her cool. Before she could react, her phone rang, and she took the call hurriedly.

"Hello?" Y/N said, her voice tense.

"Yes, I'll be there in a few minutes." She ended the call and looked at Da-mi. "I have to go."

Da-mi nodded, confused. "Okay."

Y/N turned to Hwang In Yeop, her eyes cold and determined. "This isn't over. Stay away from me." She walked away, leaving a tense silence in her wake.


In Jungkook's office at the police station, Kim Da-mi sat surrounded by Jungkook, Jimin, Chan, and Yeonjun. She was visibly upset, tears streaming down her face as she recounted everything.

"That was the last time we met, one week before..." She broke down, unable to finish her sentence. Chan passed her a glass of water, and she took a few sips to calm herself.

Jungkook spoke calmly, "Do you think Hwang In Yeop is the one who assaulted Y/N?"

Da-mi took a deep breath, composing herself before replying, "He's really a creepy guy. If you're asking if he's capable of doing something like that, he was obsessed with her. He just doesn't take 'no' as an answer. But honestly, I never saw him touch her inappropriately."

Jimin nodded thoughtfully, "Obsession can lead people to do terrible things. Did Y/N ever mention any specific incidents or threats from him?"

Da-mi shook her head, wiping her tears. "No, but she was always uncomfortable around him. She tried to avoid him whenever possible."

Jungkook spoke up, "We'll investigate further. Thank you for sharing what you know, Da-mi. It's important for us to understand the dynamics between Y/N and Hwang In Yeop. You may go."

Da-mi nodded, looking relieved to have shared her concerns. She stood up from her seat and left the office, feeling a mix of emotions but hopeful that her testimony would contribute to bringing justice for Y/N.

As Da-mi left, Jungkook turned to his junior officers with a serious expression. "Any information about Hwang In Yeop?"

Both Chan and Yeonjun shook their heads, indicating they had no updates. Chan spoke up, "We're trying to track him down, but his phone is turned off. His friends and family don't know where he is."

Yeonjun added, "It's like he's disappeared."

Jungkook's frustration was evident. "What are you even saying? You're the police; act like it. I don't care how or where, but I want him here before 6 o'clock. Do you hear me?"

"Yes, sir," both Chan and Yeonjun replied in unison.

"Get on it," Jungkook ordered tersely.

Chan and Yeonjun swiftly left the office, determined to locate Hwang In Yeop and bring him in for questioning, knowing the urgency of the situation.

Jimin, who had been silently observing everything, finally spoke up cautiously, "Don't be too harsh on them, Jungkook. They're just starting out."

"They can't even track down a college student," Jungkook remarked coldly, his tone reflecting a darker edge. He smirked, his demeanor unsettlingly confident as he continued, "Looks like we can finally wrap up Y/N's case."

Jimin nodded thoughtfully, his expression serious but unreadable. "We'll ensure everything goes smoothly, Jungkook."

Jungkook's smirk widened slightly, a chilling glint in his eyes. "The less we know, the better for everyone."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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