9. Fearless Leader

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As Namjoon's car glided through the gates of the campus, he couldn't help but feel a surge of nostalgia. Today, he was invited to deliver a speech to his juniors at the college. The current principal, who had once been Namjoon's professor, had extended the invitation, and Namjoon found himself unable to refuse. After all, it was this very mentor who had played a pivotal role in shaping Namjoon's journey to where he stood today.

As Namjoon stepped out of the car and made his way towards the principal's office, he couldn't help but notice a group of students gathered in front of the building. Despite the silence that enveloped them, one voice cut through the air with a passionate declaration: "Education is equal for everyone!"

Intrigued, Namjoon approached the source of the voice and laid eyes on a determined young woman clad in a yellow crop top and loose white pants. She continued her impassioned plea, her words resonating with conviction. "Education must be equally provided to all students, regardless of their status or bank balance," she proclaimed. "All men are equal before the law, and the law applies equally to all. It ensures that everyone is protected by the law. The law makes no distinction between the wealthy and the destitute. This is what we were taught here. What's the point of studying if these principles aren't upheld in our own college?"

Namjoon couldn't help but admire the courage and conviction of the young woman, her words echoing the very principles he had once championed as a student himself.

"Okay, Y/N, we will talk about this later, but not here and now is not the right time," the principal said, addressing Y/N firmly but kindly. "I request everyone to get back to the auditorium where the inauguration of our new building is going to start in the next 15 minutes."

The principal's words caused a murmur among the students, but they didn't seem bothered as they stood there silently. The principal sighed and addressed Y/N again, "Please, Y/N, tell everyone to move to the auditorium. I give you my word, after the function, we'll discuss this."

Y/N glanced around at the determined faces of her fellow students, then back at the principal. She nodded reluctantly, "Alright, everyone, let's head to the auditorium. We'll continue this discussion later, and after the function, we'll have a solution to our problem. We are going to get the same facilities, study materials, and equal education that we deserve, just like the management students." Her voice was firm and confident, and the students nodded in agreement before silently dispersing.

Namjoon watched, shocked, as the girl led the students away after bowing to the principal. He felt a mix of admiration for Y/N's leadership and curiosity about the issues at hand. As he approached the principal, he thought, "Who is she?"

"Hello, sir," Namjoon greeted the principal. "It's been a while."

The principal turned and smiled warmly. "Kim Namjoon, it's good to see you. Thank you for coming." He patted Namjoon's shoulder and continued, "Sorry, there was a situation going on here, and we couldn't come to welcome you."

"It's okay, sir, and there's no need for the welcoming stuff. I saw everything that was happening here," Namjoon replied.

The principal sighed. "Don't get me started on that. It's a lot to take in. First, let's go to the auditorium; it's already time for the inauguration." He led Namjoon towards the auditorium.

As they walked, Namjoon couldn't help but think about the girl he had just seen. Her passion and determination left a strong impression on him, and he found himself curious about the issues she was fighting for. He made a mental note to learn more about her and the situation once the inauguration was over.

Upon reaching the auditorium, the principal took the stage to begin the ceremony, while Namjoon took a seat among the faculty and students, his mind still partly on the earlier confrontation.

In Her Wake || Jeon Jungkook FFWhere stories live. Discover now