Chapter 34

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Alexa took slow steps towards them as she saw a shaky Mrs. Harris back off.

"M-Miss A-Angello, it's i-it's not what it looks like. I-I can explain."

Slightly tilting her head Alexa started rolling the sleeves of her shirt. Her eyes looked deadly as if she was ready to kill someone.

Nodding her, she kept on walking forward," I am sure you can explain it, Mrs. Harris."

Lifting a metal rod kept in the corner, Alexa started examining it," I am sure you can explain why you were grabbing that six-year-old like that, why was he begging you to stop cause that hurt, and why his body is covered in bruises."

She said while eyeing the bruises on Noah's arms. 

Alexa bent down in front of the sobbing child. Her hand made it to his face to wipe out the tears.

Licking her lips, she softly held his hands and examined them.

Alexa felt her throat dry up because of the sight.

What kind of monsters are these children living with? 

She could feel the anger build up inside her.

Lifting her head she looked at him," Hey kiddo," she whispered, trying her level best to talk to him calmly.

"Alexa..." Fresh tears started coming out of his eyes.

"Can you do me a favor?"

He cutely nodded his head in reply, "Y-Yes."

From the corner of her eye, Alexa noticed the old lady trying to escape," DON'T YOU DARE!" She growled while slightly turning her head towards Mrs. Harris who had completely frozen in her steps.

"Don't you dare move an inch lady if you still have the will to live."

Mrs. Harris got back in the same spot she was earlier in with her body shaking profusely.

Alexa turned back to look at the kid in front of her and gave him a small smile.

"Listen to me carefully. Close your eyes."

He closed his eyes.

"Now. Turn around and close your ears with your hands. No matter what you hear, NO MATTER WHAT. Do not turn around till I ask you to. OK?" She spoke in a very commanding tone.

Noah nodded his head in reply and followed her instructions.

Mrs. Harris turned pale as she saw Alexa get up with the rod in her hand. Her trembling legs finally gave up, her body dropped to the floor.

The nearer Alexa got, the more fear in her heart grew. Stumbling she crawled forward and desperately grabbed Alexa's leg.

"P-Please. Please. I-I am begging you, Ms. Angello. P-Please it was a mistake. I-It won't happen a-again. Please have mercy."

She joined her hands together begging for mercy. 

But Alexa on the other hand looked unfazed by all the pleadings.

Tilting her head maniacally she bent down and grabbed the lady's jaw forcing her to look up. Alexa placed the rod very close to Mrs. Harris's hand.

" You should not have touched those children woman." She spoke in the deadliest tone ever.

For the next ten minutes, all  Noah could hear was Mrs. Harris's screams.

Alexa said not to turn around. Alexa said not to turn around. Alexa said not to turn around.

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