Chapter 42

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"So how is it?" 

Noah's eager eyes were waiting for Christian to give a review of the pancakes Alexa made.

Ms. Angello on the other hand pretended as if she did not care about the review and busied herself with her phone. But her ears were open to their conversation.

Taking the first bite Christian froze.

Raising his head, his eyes dilated between the eager faces of Catherine, Noah, and then Alexa who kept giving him side glances to see his reaction.

Gulping down the piece of pancake in his mouth, a small smile formed on his face.

"It's amazing for a first timer Alexa!!" he beamed at her.

Alexa raised her chin a little and extended her hand to hold his folk, "Really then let me try too-"

"NO!!" Christian grabbed the plate in his hand and got up from the seat," You made this for me, so I will be the only one eating it."

Alexa tilted her head in confusion," I did not make this for you, I made it for Noah."

"Yeah! Christian, she made it for me! Let me try it at least!"

"No way! It's your punishment for ruining Catherine's kitchen. Right, Catherine?" He took brisk steps to get closer to Catherine and hid behind her.

Leaning closer he whispered in his ear," Catherine, this is poisonous. Why in the world is it so salty?"

"Salty...?" Catherine's eyes landed on the open jars.

Taking in a deep breath she closed her eyes in frustration," She mixed up salt and sugar."

Alexa's voice interrupted the two," What are you two whispering to each other? And Christian why won't you let me taste it? Give it to me."

"No it's mine" Taking the plate with him Christian bolted out of the kitchen, shortly followed by Alexa's brisk, angry steps.

"Christian stop fooling around give me that!! I need to take a bath and leave!!"

"THEN TAKE A BATH AND LEAVE!" Christian shouted back from the living room.

Grunting Alexa charged towards him, trying to snatch the plate from his hand, "Give me that!"

Taking his height to advantage, Christian extended his hand further making it harder for Alexa to reach it.

"What is your problem Belincias?!!" Alexa questioned him getting angrier second by second.

Still arguing in the same position, the two were interrupted by a deep voice.

"What is going on here?"

Both their eyes widened and their heads snapped in the direction of the voice. 

Dominic Angello, stood there staring at the two with rage in his eyes.

"ALEXANDRA, I am asking what is going on here?! IS THIS MY HOUSE OR A CIRCUIS?!!!"

Both of them straightened their backs and Christian slowly lowered his plate.

"Good evening Mr. Angello," Christian greeted the elder with a slight bow.

Paying no attention to the greeting Dominic turned back to look at his granddaughter

"Why are you covered in flour and WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU NOT AT THE COMPANY??!!"

Alexa just stood there silently.

Hearing the commotion, Catherine and Noah came running outside.

Dominic's eyes narrowed at Noah. Glaring at him, he shouted at Alexa,

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