Flawless introduction... or not.

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[As promised (How unlike me.), new chapter.

I don't know whether or not you're new to my style, just keep in mind that the nonsense I write at the start of a story is mandatory, no questions asked.

Anyway, is there a count to how many times Suzune's collar was grabbed? Feel like it happens quite often. Furthermore, holy is Housen tall in the Y2 Manga, and Nanase is smol in comparison, too cute. The art is just too good and beautiful, in my opinion anyway. I hope we're going to get some lemon scene if you get what I mean 😊 I'm naturally talking about Kiyo making a lemon dish for Amasawa 😊

Btw, how come Cote went through the Class Isekai era without getting a long-standing isekai fic? The only one still updating, albeit for a long time not anymore is Clucky's, but I mean the Class Isekai shit if you know what I mean. Would be funny af, especially since it has so much potential if it's written in a comedic way and not in "If you just look at me, you will feel like you cut yourself"-type edgy shit.

I'm right now really into Kiyo getting Reincarnated, transmigrated, and so on, because I'm truly wondering what he would do. I think he would climb to the top and beyond, simply put, if he actually knew that gods exist, he would, 100% try and surpass that, because his base curiosity pushed him in the WR, and it would push him farther in a supernatural world.

Having spoken of that, someone fr needs to write a Kiyo x Otome game reincarnation trope, Sein put that idea in my head with his Kiyo genderbend Isekai cooking, it's just so Mtua (chefs kiss). It fits perfectly for him, because of the Harem naturally but also because it always involves politics and high-class settings, it would be especially amazing if you don't get the usual high peerage rank but maybe as a commoner. It could be further expanded by Kiyo, giving him base strength by designing the magic system according to science, Kanojo no mago type, and instead of sitting around with his knowledge, Kiyo does have the processing power and curiosity to discover more beyond his knowledge with the help of his magic and modern testing methods. Magic would take care of so much in that department, with Healing magic to alter his body structure and keep a physique plus composition that would be perfect for him, since he can experiment with it and slowly alter his DNA. Also enter some Incest, naturally, since I just released an incest chapter that's on my mind. And DNA is altered so no worry :)

Btw, I already said something about Kei in the previous chapters, it may or may not look like she received a buff, since she doesn't see any reason to propose a fake relationship to Hirata because the people don't really look up to him the same way they did in canon, the girls are also not immediately entranced by him because of Kouenji's and Kiyo performance. However, in that sense, she will try and still get the reins of the girls, as seen in the previous chapter when she tried to insert herself in discussions and have people agree with her. She takes the step because bullying was one of the main arguments in several aspects of figuring out the school system, what can the school do, and what not. She will also take a different approach based on the previous events.

Kinda bored of the Kei acting like a B route it always goes, I think there are like at most 2-3 fics where it doesn't happen because she regresses in time. Otherwise, she always has the B-Queen attitude till spread your legs. She will try to be someone the girls want to agree with, in that sense.

Anyway, onto the chapter, don't hesitate to ask questions, since my dialogues will be confusing, at least from Kiyo's side.

Letse goo!]

POV-chan is playing with Kiyotaka's well-taken care of hair since Matsuo didn't let him leave with his bed hair, as expected of the perfect wif– Cough* butler. Fr fr, POV-Chan wonders when Kiyo finally gets a Fem. Matsuo maid x Kiyo, it's kind of urging the author, enough nonsense.

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