Perfect-kun's Cumback (Accidentally wrote cum sorry)

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Long time no see, as expected of me, I literally disappeared as always.

Anyway, there's not much to say, except, for something that's been hounding me for quite a bit; Kouenji scaling in this fic.

If not interested, you can skip it.

I'm sorry to inform Kouenji meat toilets, but I will scale him roughly around WR lvl 3, physically only tho. That is simply because Lvl 5 is the perceived limit of people, admittedly only WRoomers so far, but please don't forget the fact that it's not as simple.

Like Amawasa, many more children in the WR are not just random children but often offsprings from successful people. They are by no means on the lower end of the genetic lottery considering their parents. Not all but a lot because Atsuomi went out of his way to create 'publicity' for the WR among the investors.

Back to Kouenji, I do not doubt that he has the potential to reach a level similar to a Top WR student at Lvl 4-5 as the later Gens. are currently, but that is restricted to certain aspects, not in total. Physical ability, academically, etc. but not everything. However, that's not the case.

He didn't put in the amount of effort needed to reach that level, not to forget that a clear cut lvl 4 curriculum has them start academic material beyond High School grade at the age of 11 according to Amasawa.

I think this has been already hinted at quite a lot, Kouenji does perform a little bit. Just like at the beginning of the LN, he scored 90, not 50. And in the coming tests, he also didn't score the necessary 50 points but much higher. Therefore, academically, I would put Kouenji within High school level. Physically is a bit harder, that's the main point I even brought up WR curriculum Level, in my eyes, it's both effort and a naturally athletic body. But once again, looking at his usual work ethic, I doubt he would put in enough effort to catch up with WRoomers who have followed dietary plans and physical regimes as early as they humanly could.

Anyways, those are my thoughts. I don't like hiding these kinds of things since they can sometimes be a deciding factor in whether or not someone wants to continue reading. Enough about it though, let's go.]

POV-Chan feels weird, her Oni-chan is petting that little birdie but not her, her jealousy is about to explode, and the worst of it all is the fact that the bird is seemingly gazing right back at her as if provoking her!

I turned my head to observe what that bird was staring at, but I couldn't find anything, neither was it any prey that it saw nor a predator it was frightened by.

Puzzled, I simply turned back and decided to observe Kouenji as he was grappling with the fact that my theory, based on his reaction, was correct.

"It still feels somewhat..." He trailed off and his face lost his previous self-conceit and a frown adorned his face along with a suspicious look.

"There could be many more ways to ensure a surefire way to get to Class A., I'm more inclined to believe that you guessed my plan based on your intuition."

He gathered his thoughts and probed me for information. Not only on how I exactly nailed it down to the specific method he found but also based on the fact that I implied there to be different methods available as well.

"No other method is a 'surefire'-method. They all hold uncertainties. The only way to make it to Class A at the end of 3 years without fail would be by purchasing the right to enter Class A right at the end." I said, while observing the students walking around the mall, as it came into view.

"There are certainly other methods that could be used to get into 'Class A' but there's no guarantee that the Class would remain Class A until the end." If we compare it with the company principle, it's as if you're changing departments, the difference being that we as students will be competing more enthusiastically than in a real-world company, which would impact the interpersonal relationships only the more. It would pose the possibility that Classes can exchange students despite that.

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