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The scene changed and went from the infirmary to the front of a building's steps

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The scene changed and went from the infirmary to the front of a building's steps. Seated on the steps were Cathy and Thomas waiting patiently in silence it seemed.

"Oh, we're back here." Regulus said as he rolled his eyes.

"What's up with him?" Dorcas whispered to Alice.

Alice nodded to the screen where Cathy and Thomas were seated. "I don't think he likes what he sees."

Cathy glanced at Thomas who seemed to be processing the information that they had been given about the fact that Merope Gaunt had borne his fathers' child. She looked around and her eyes lit up with relief.

"They're here." Cathy nudged Thomas and directed him to Mary and Amelia who crossed the street to get to them.

The redhead and the muggle both stood up as they walked a bit to meet the two witches on the pavement.

"Hey." Amelia greeted them.

"Hi." Cathy replied. "Find anything useful?"

Mary nodded and answered.

"Turned out Marvolo Riddle and his son were both sent to Azkaban for a few months for attacking muggles in the past." Mary told them. "A fight broke out when wizards from the ministry confronted them about their antics."

"Records show that a wizard named Bob Ogden was that one who made the initial report about them. After they were arrested it turned out most of their assaults on muggles were due to Merope Gaunt's infatuation with a muggle boy. He wasn't named in the report but I think we all know who he was." Amelia said glancing at Thomas.

"New information." James nodded. "Not particularly useful, but new nonetheless."

Cathy's eyes made a quick dart to Thomas before she began to inform Mary and Amelia with what they found out. "Well, our discoveries beat yours."

"What did you guys find out?" Mary asked curiously.

"Merope was pregnant." Thomas answered. He sounded detached and numb. "She was pregnant when my father abandoned her. She died after she gave birth at the orphanage."

"He seems a bit upset." Peter noted.

"He just found out his dad abandoned his pregnant wife before she gave birth." Remus said.

"Maybe he suspected how the kid would turn out." Sirius suggested.

Mary and Amelia looked surprised at the new information. Cathy decided to add the rest of the intel they acquired.

"His name was Tom Marvolo Riddle." Cathy said. "He'd be in his mid-fifties by now."

"I think we just found another connection to the wizarding world." Amelia said turning to Thomas.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10 ⏰

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