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"That much coffee can't be good for you Tango." I rolled my eyes, taking another sip.

"Well it's either that or fall asleep on my first night of the job."

"Remind me why the heck you even wanted to take the job at the cemetery again? Don't you hate night shifts? And I thought Scar worked as the guard?"

"Yeah, but he asked me to take over. He can't be up all night anymore according to his doctors and apparently he trusts me to do a good job."

"He has very poor judgment then, I wouldn't trust you to stay awake at a normal day job." I set my mug down and lightly hit Impulse on the shoulder. He chuckled before swiping up the cup of coffee I had set down and dumping it into the sink.

" Wha- HEY! I was still drinking that!"

"I told you. It's not good for you. Three cups is plenty."

"But Etho drinks five cups! Why can't I have three?"

"I give Etho the same lecture. I'm done arguing about this. You better get going before you're late." I glanced at the clock that hung on the white walls of our kitchen. Impulse was right. It was nearly 11:00pm, and that's when my shift started.

After bidding Impulse a quick goodbye, I grabbed my coat from the back of one of the chairs surrounding the dining table and walked out the door to my truck. It wouldn't be a long drive to the cemetery, especially since there wasn't a lot of traffic at night.

I pulled into the parking lot and exited the truck. With the truck's headlights off, the place was almost pitch black. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and used its flashlight to navigate through the tall iron gate. Why anyone would frame a graveyard in a spooky looking metal wall was beyond me. The gate creaked as it swung uneasily open. Beyond it, the cemetery loomed.

I followed the well walked dirt path through the gate and to the small building in the corner of the plot. It was a concrete building that housed an office, and a maintenance close. The office door was left unlocked so I pushed my way inside. At a glance, you could definitely tell that the small office had definitely belonged to Scar. I noticed the plethora of pictures of his cat, Jellie, hung up all over the room.

The rest of the space was simple. An old brown desk and chair were pushed up against the back wall. The desk was covered with trinkets, office supplies, an envelope, cat photos, and a computer. The only other things in the room were a little filing cabinet, and a door to the left.

Making my way over to the desk, I noticed an envelope that was labeled with my name. Not bothering to use the letter opener left on the desk, I pulled the envelope open.


Hello! Thank you for taking this job on such short notice. I'm sure you'll keep this place under good watch. Anyway I left you a flashlight and a uniform in the maintenance closet to your left. You're welcome to hang out here in the office but make sure you scout the graveyard once every 30 minutes or so. Also if you need to sleep make sure you set alarms to wake yourself up for the graveyard checks. If any pesky kids try to get into the graveyard, just chase em out. Grave diggers are rare but be alert just in case. If anything feels off, don't hesitate to call! Thanks again!


P.S. Do NOT under any circumstances go into the well on the corner of the property.

I reread the last line a few times. I didn't even know that there was a well in the cemetery. Scar should've known better than to leave a note like that, of course it'd make me curious.

I was startled out of my thoughts as an alarm clock on the desk beeped. 11:30. Time for my first walk around.

I opened the door to the maintenance closet and found the uniform scar had left for me. Black pants, dark red shirt, and a utility belt equipped with a flashlight, a pocket knife, and some odd device I didn't recognize. I put on the outfit, slipping my black coat back over it before inspecting the unrecognizable tool.

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