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Evening came like a bullet train, and the realization that Impulse and Zed were finally going to meet hit me just as hard as one. I was nervous. Subconsciously, I put a hand to my shoulder like Zed had. There was no comfort in it though. I carefully knocked on The door to Impulse's room before pushing inside.

"Hey, you ready?" Impulse sat at his desk, eyes fixed firmly on the papers in front of him.

"This is.. weird." Impulse gestured to the now decoded papers. I had to fight the urge to look at them right then and there. Zedaph would probably want me to wait for him.

"Well you want answers, I want answers. Lets go find em." Impulse nodded and stood, grabbing the papers.

"Alright Tango. But I swear if you're a hallucinating mad man I'm calling Scar and you're quitting that job."

"You'll see. Grab a coat by the way, it gets chilly." He nodded and pulled a coat out of his closet. We exited his room and headed outside for the truck. The ride was silent, which didn't help my nerves.

When we got there, I followed the same old routine. Walk through the creaky old gate, down the path, into the office. Grab my security belt, and sit down at the old desk chair. Impulse followed, fidgeting with the papers in his hands and eyeing everything. He sat down in the chair I had previously set out for Zed.

I made note that it was oddly warm. Zedaph wasn't there. I silently swore that if he made me look like a fool in front of Impulse, I'd find a way to revive him just so I could kill him again.

I opened the maintenance closet and pulled out another chair and set it up just in case. Impulse looked confused, but I gave no explanation. I then grabbed the duffle bag and pulled out my ghost equipment. The rem pod stayed silent and the Emf didn't spike at all when I turned it on. I frowned. The last thing I set out was a notebook and a pen. It stayed quiet and still in the room. Where the heck is Zed?

"So Tango... What is all this stuff and how does this prove anything?"

"Shut up, he's not in here right now."

"Oh I get it. Your imaginary friend is shy! Aww~"

"Shut up."

"Just saying, maybe you are going crazy-"

"Shush!" I elbowed Impulse lightly, he just chuckled. I rolled my eyes and stood, grabbing the flashlight off my belt. Impulse looked confused.

"Where you going?"

"I'm on duty, I might as well do my job until Zed's ready to talk."

"And what am I supposed to do? Just sit here?"


"I don't wanna just si-"

"Its either sit here or come walk the graveyard with me. And only one of those options has good lighting and a heater. Take your pick."

"On second thought I'm perfectly fine to just sit here. Enjoy your stroll!" I smiled and shook my head before opening the door.

"I'll be back in 5 minutes. Don't mess with anything." Impulse saluted and I headed out the door. Once outside, I immediately booked it to Zedaph's gravestone. The temperature didn't drop. I headed around the cemetery to the well. Still no sign of him. I finished my full patrol and started heading back towards the building. No Zedaph. My patience was waning. I angrily called out into the darkness.

"Zed I swear if you don't show up right about now I'm gonna-"

And then I heard the scream.

I bolted back towards the office building, worry building up in my chest. Well, at least he did show up. Son of a gun.

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