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Lsti xlmw jmrhw csy aipp. M'zi fiir pssomrk mrxs xli gewi wsqi qsvi. M hsr'x xlmro ai ger vypi syx Ib. Wyvi li aew hexmrk Dih, fyx li aew epws mqtypwmzi. M xlmro Pmddmi asvoih gpswi amxl lmq fyx M hsr'x orsa lsa xs uyiwxmsr liv amxlsyx liv kixxmrk wywtmgmsyw. M qier, izivcsri epviehc xlmrow M'q xs fpeqi, mj M ewo iq efsyx mx xlic'pp nywx xlmro M'q xvcmrk xs gsziv yt xvegow sv wsqixlmrk. M riih csy xs mrziwxmkexi Bmwyqe. Csy'vi e psx qsvi jeqmpmev amxl lmq xler M eq. Avmxi qi wssr.


Lic M'zi ksx xli mrjs csy ewoih jsv. Bmwyqe lew er epmfm. Li aew syx xs hmrriv amxl xli riaiv ewwmwxerx, Oivepmw. Xlex gszivw 2. Epws Bmwyqe leh rs mpp mrxirx xsaevh Dih jvsq alex M wea, erh O hmhr'x izir vieppc orsa lmq xlex aipp. M xlmro mx'w weji xs gpiev xlswi xas. Wxec weji. Ger'x aemx jsv csy xs gsqi fego xs xli sjjmgi.

9:03 TQ

M pssoih mrxs xli pmgirwi tpexi sj xli gev xlex veqqih Dih'w gev. Xli gev aew wxspir jvsq e qer'w lsywi e jia hecw tvmsv. Tspmgi leh mrziwxmkexih lmq fyx jsyrh rs gewi gsrrigxmsrw. Lmw reqi aew Wgev Ksshxmq, qmklx fi asvxl pssomrk mrxs.


M jsyrh wsqixlmrk. Qiix qi mr xli fvieovssq hyvmrk pyrgl fvieo. M xlmro xlmw ampp kmzi yw erwaivw.

9:07 TQ

Xlmw mw kixxmrk xss gsqtpib. M xlmro ai wlsyph gepp mx sjj. Ai hsr'x lezi irsykl tvssj. M'q rs

psrkiv jveqih, pix'w wxst fijsvi mx kixw herkivsyw.


M ger'x mkrsvi lmw hiexl.

9:10 TQ


I stared at the translation in front of me, anger bubbling inside of me. I had been so close! But the mess of letters in front of me was nothing but garbage. I angrily called out to the ghost.

"This is gibberish! Hope you're happy Zedaph, this was a waste of time." I tossed the file carelessly on the desk and dropped my head to my hands. If the morse translated to gibberish, than there was no real reason to look at the other objects in the file. I heard some sort of scribbling sound and then felt Zedaph's hand on my shoulder.

"No. Whatever game you're playing it's not funn-" I stopped as I looked up from my hands. There was a pen on the desk, and it was seemingly moving on its own. It was writing some sort of message onto a sticky note that had previously been left on the desk. I leaned closer to get a better look at the message that Zedaph was writing out.

'Didn't take you as the type to give up that easy Tango, that's why I trusted you.'

I stared dumbfounded at the note. Was sass talking a ghost a good idea? Probably not. But in my defense, I was in a bad mood.

"Well maybe if you hadn't been stupid enough to get yourself murdered in a car crash then neither of us would be here! Forgive me for not being your knight in shining armor, I don't even know you! And last I checked, I'm getting nothing out of this. I owe you nothing Zedaph. Nothing! So I'm done. Just... go back to being dead." I sighed and buried my head in my hands again. I felt the cold feeling recede a little bit. If I had offended Zedaph or not I didn't care. For the rest of the night, I decided that I would just do my job and forget about ghosts and murders.

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