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The second file was instantly recognizable as binary. Ones and zeros. When we were back at the graveyard, I instantly wanted to decode it. Part of me itched to figure out what it said. To crack the case. The other part of me worried.

There were only so many clues to find, then this would all be over. Team ZIT was temporary. Impulse would go back to working every day, I would continue the night shift at the cemetery, and Zed would disappear. I couldn't quite wrap my head around that.

Despite everything, I shrugged it off. A problem for future me. I quickly took the file and started to copy it into my phone. Decoding online would be a breeze, just had to type everything in. The more I typed though, the more I noticed my fingers had started to shake. I tried to ignore it, but it was to the point I couldn't type.

"Tango? You good man?" I looked over at Impulse. He looked worried. I nodded and continued attempting to type.

"I-I got this. Give me two seconds." Suddenly, the red glasses that had been perched on my head fell over onto my nose. I looked up to see Zed standing with his hands on his hips and frowning. He grabbed a pen and paper and wrote.

'What's wrong?'

"Nothing. I'm fine."

'Doesn't seem like it. You were acting weird at Grian's place too.' Impulse spoke up.

"I gotta agree with Zed on this one dude. You look like you're going crazy."

"I said I'm fine. I almost have this decoded too. Got through the binary. Just gotta translate the Caesar cipher..."

"Tango, you need to take a break. You're literally shaking..."

"I told you I'm fine." Zed eyed me both angrily and worriedly. Impulse stood and walked towards me and put a hand on my shoulder. I flinched away from the contact.


"Stop. Both of you. Stop looking at me like that. I don't need to be judged by my best friend and a ghost. Not today. Let me just finish this. Please." Impulse sighed and walked back over to sit in his chair. Zed folded his arms and sat criss-cross on the desk chair. He stood up a moment later though and pulled the glasses off of my face, making him vanish from view. I rolled my eyes.

"I got the message translated if either of you care." I stuck out my phone toward Impulse. He got up and took the phone so he could read. I picked up the glasses again and placed them back on my face so I could see Zed reading over Impulse's shoulder. The decoded note read:

I found an interview about the project. Didn't give much insight though. Do you know where it's being kept? I think it'd be worth checking out. -PM 9:14

I haven't seen it. Cleo knows something though and I think Cub does too. I found some things in Zed's office and stuck them in a folder with our messages. The folder disappeared though. Someone's onto us. They don't want us finding out what happened. -G

I think if we can crack the project, we can find the motive. We just need someone who knows about it. That gives us Pix, the reporter, Cleo, who is gonna be suspicious, and Ex. Probably Doc as well. He'd know something. -PM 9:16

Martyn might be worth asking. He always knows things he shouldn't. And he set up the interview with Pix and Zed in the first place. Something tells me he'd know more than he lets on. -G

I'm gonna talk to Martyn. If I get lied to we're screwed. Also we should try to find that file. I'm worried about who might have it. -PM 9:18

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