chapter eleven

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sunoo and niki were walking on the alleys of the park they went to

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sunoo and niki were walking on the alleys of the park they went to. it was quiet and comfortable, it wasn't really cold either, so we could say it was like a perfect night. there weren't many people who walked around the park, like them, and that made it even better. the two of them were now on a bridge, that was over the lake. the lights were now turned on, making it a little brighter there, and, around the lake, were found some small lights that shined in different colours.

it was so pretty.

"i wanna take some pictures, it looks beautiful" sunoo said and took out his phone from the pocket of his jeans.

"want me to take some of you too?" niki offered as he stared down at sunoo's phone, then back at his eyes.

sunoo smiled, "that would be great, thank you" he handed him the phone with a grin and niki took some steps back, while preparing the phone. sunoo started posing and niki was clicking pictures.

and that went on, for about 4 minutes.

"aren't you tired? your storage is crying right now" niki mumbled as he finally streched a little, after trying to take good photos of sunoo.

the older pouted, "come on, 5 more" he whined and niki sighed. "fine"

he went back to the photoshoot, as he zoomed in sunoo's face more.

he was so pretty.

he unknownignly grinned, staring a little at his face. sunoo thought he was still taking pictures, so he continued posing. Gosh, he is so adorable.

niki pursed his lips and took one more photo, and then handed sunoo his phone back.

the younger put his elbows back on the bar of the bridge, and looked at the sky.

the other one, once he got his phone back, he started scanning the photos and a pleased smile made its way on his face.

he slowly walked next to niki again, while still admiring the pictures. "i look handsome"

niki chuckled when he heard that, but definitely couldn't deny it; sunoo is really handsome.

the older turned his face to niki. "how about i click some photos of you too?"

niki shook his head, "no need to"

"oh, but i want that"

"well, i said you don't need to"

"come onnn, some pictures won't hurt"

niki quietly sighed "why do you want to take photos of me, in the first place i mean-"

"because you're handsome"

once he heard that, niki stopped his tracks and froze in place. did sunoo just call him handsome?

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