Meet James Maslow

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We spent our time in silence,
but there's something you should know that I would hold you like the wind,
and I would catch you like the snow..."

Walking down the boardwalk off the coast of the abandoned beach, James stuffed his firsts deep into the pockets of his jacket. His mind hazy of thing going through her head.

"What's a pretty boy like you doing out alone?" A voice from behind came forwards as James turned around, his eyes landing on a guy dressed in black; his face uncovered.

Gulping, James backed away slowly. "Thinking. . ." He slowly answered, his heart pounding inside his chest. Ready to burst out any passing second.

"Got any thought on how you're going to run away from me?" He smirked as James widened his eyes, opening his mouth to respond when the man took him into his arms, his hand covering his mouth.
Kicking his feet and fists, James began to panic as the guy threw him against a metal pole keeping his form falling on the sand a few feet away from boardwalk.

Pinning him down, the man began slavaging in his pockets when he pulled out his wallet; grinning to himself.

"You sick bastard!" James spit in his face, only the feel the man's fist pounding against his skull. Him blacking out.

"AH!" James bellowed out as he sat up. He had another dream. Another NIGHTMARE he would put it. They wouldn't stop. The same dream after dream after dream.

James opened his eyes; looking at the clock. It read four o'clock in the morning. Well 4:21 a.m. He wiped away the tears that had fallen from his eyes. His mind. . . was emotionally screwed. His heart was beating, his pulse was racing, all he wanted to do was get out of this "nightmare of a life" as James would put mugging, the rape, has tore down his confidence. Made him depressed. Worthless.

He walked over to the bathroom, turning on the shower faucet. Letting the water pour into the neatly clean tub. Gently removing his clothes he let the water run down his body. Cleansing his scars and the odor that has irrupted from him from being depressed. Being depressed, he barely took showers. He didn't have the emotional capacity to take a shower. That's how broken he was.

The water ran through his hair, the steamy midst made him feel calm, relaxed. But nothing ever made him feel safe. He didn't know how to feel safe anymore. The water suddenly turned off. His parents hadn't paid the bills. In months. They never did. Too busy "taking them care of themselves". James rolled his eyes in disgust as he grabbed a towel wrapping it around his lower body.

They always partied. Never paid the bills.

James let his thoughts overwhelm him as he gently slid a gray packers sweatshirt over his torso. It was time for school. Time for him to pretend he didn't care. Yet all these fake smiles would end up letting him meet the love of his life.

"Morning James," a fellow teacher called out to James as he walked in the classroom. It was . "Morning," he whispered in response. His focus was on the teacher he wasn't watching where he was going. He suddenly bumped into a small girl, practically knocking her over he grabbed her wrist, helping her up.
"I'm so so so sorry!" He automatically said in response. The girl stood and dusted herself off. "It's fine." She let a smile light her face as she looked at the 6'2 boy. "I'm alright."

"Good. I didn't mean to bump into you."

"Hey, we're only human right?"

"Yeah," he smiled in response. He couldn't help but smile, the girl had a thing about her, that made him. . . happy.

"Well I gotta get to class. See ya later?"

"Yeah," he let a big cheesy smile spread across his face.

"Kay," she suddenly wandered off, James staring at her petite figure. Once he entered the classroom, he turned around see Carlos. A big black eye he sported around.

"Carlos, dude! What happened?" James asked his friend in worry.

"Nothing, alright?" Carlos spat.

Carlos was James; friend you could say. They talked but every once in awhile. They used to be the best of friends, and ever since Carlos got kicked out and James got mugged, they stopped talking.

"Fine," James rolled his eyes in disgust as he looked at his meer ex friend. He hadn't had a good attitude in a long time, and James couldn't understand why.

Carlos cursed under his breath as he looked at his watch. "I gotta go!"
He said to himself and ran out the school.

James, standing hopelessly confused, was trying to figure out where the boy had to go only at 6:54 am. He simply ignored it and walked in the classroom.

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