Love Is Unstoppable

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Happy Sunday lovelies! Before I leave this wonderful weekend, here's your Sunday treat!
Happy Reading babes :*


So lay here
beside me,
just hold me
and don't let go
This feeling I'm feeling is something I've never known
And I just can't take my eyes off you

"Emily," James sighed of relief seeing her at his doorstep the next day. Pulling her into a hug, he almost began to cry.

"Why'd you run off like that? You scared me to death!" He whispered in her ear and she couldn't help but feel guilty for some reason. Gulping, she hugged him back. She needed a way to tell him about her disorder before it came out in a fight or something that would ruin there relationship, but that is what she thought.

He pulled away from her; she was tensed up in a unusual way. The way she looked and acted it sort of worried him.

"Are you okay?" He asked, touching her cheek, Stroking it gently.

She shook her head back and forth, "No. . . I'm not." Backing away from James for a second she tiredly sat down on the porch. She could easily feel him sit beside her as her eyes stared at the concrete.

"I've been hiding something from you. . . and I think it's time i told you what it is. . . Cause you don't deserve to be lied to."

"Lied to?" He frowned. "Emily, What's going on?"

He was upset, Emily noticed. He had the right to be upset, though he probably assumed it was something worse than it was.

She deeply breathed. It took her so much energy and strength to admit her problem.

"After we broke up...Elizabeth started...she..." She closed her eyes; All she could hear were the echoes of Elizabeth's evil words and that made a tear fall. Wiping it away, she felt pathetic. All she basically did was cry half the time. It made her feel like all she is here in this world to be hurt. Battered and bruised by words full of hate.

"...She always called me names always called me fat and ugly and one day I just. . . stopped eating."

"Stopped eating... are you- are you saying you starved yourself?" His whispered; Nothing could amount to how his heart basically just shattered over the concrete cement porch.

"Yeah," she cried. "Yeah, I did, and I have no clue why. I just felt so low about myself... I wanted to die..." She cried, feeling James yank on her hips, she suddenly fell onto his lap.

The heat from his cheeks were blazing hot and she knew he was probably going to scold her.

"Emily, You are so...beautiful. So smart and amazing and intelligent and funny and sweet and smart and gourgeous and sexy...I could go on . . ."

She looked directly at him and his warm, strong muscular arms wrapped around her.

". . .I won't ever let anything happen to you, alright?" He kissed her cheek and she nodded, feeling numb. He was the only person that actually made her feel worth something. Most of the times she just sulked at home, feeling depressed. The only thing that made her happy even for a second was James.

"I'm gonna help you get through this, okay?" He whispered feeling him gently rock her back and forth holding her.

"Yeah," she felt goosebumps rise as she suddenly heard the clicking of heels walk up to the door. Her eyes stood on the person's feet suddenly zooming to the person's face she looked back onto the ground.

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