Help Carry Me Through

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and if I had to crawl
well you'd crawl too
I stumble and I fall
carry me through

Kendall entered the high school, green hoody, jeans and regular vans covered the dirty blonde. The boy was usually quiet, and he always wore a hoody to cover his scars. But today, he actually felt, well, good. He didn't know why but he did. Walking the halls he didn't bother going to this locker, his first period was gym entering the gymnasium he took a seat on the bleachers. Already hearing the nonstop talking about him. People either called him weird, odd, or fag, and that just made him feel more worthless. His eyes were down when someone tapped his shoulder. He cocked his head to see a petite girl in black shorts and a green and red sweatshirt that showed off her curves, though she just dressed casual. "Hi Kendall, uhmm can you help me with something?"

Kendall blinked, the girl, though he had never figured out her name she was always popular. Maybe that was because she was the only popular person that didn't sleep around. She seemed nice, but Kendall never thought of talking to him.

"Uhmm, what is it?" He nervously asked.

She quickly pulled out a math book and Kendall rolled his eyes, expecting her to ask him to do her homework but her words caught him by surprise. "I didn't finish my homework last night, and I seriously cannot figure out this problem."

Kendall frowned, why was she asking him?

"Why don't you go ask your friends?"

She quickly rubbed her temples. "I tried, nothing but ammatures that think that being dumb is cool." She rolled her eyes.

"Hmph," He looked away for a second.

"You were my first chance but ya know, they were acting all snobby to me..."

Kendall looked at the girl. "What did they say?" His voice was serious and was about to crack.

"Nothing, it doesn't matter." She began playing with her hair, a sign that she had a crush on the boy. "Anyway, can you help me?" She smiled.
"Uh yeah sure," Kendall blinked. "What's the problem?"

The girl quickly skimmed through the book, flipping through the pages till she found the correct answer. She read out the question, though she barely understand the words.

"Blahh! Too many big words!" She giggled at herself seeing Kendall spark a smile.

"The word is pathagatheroum... I think." Kendall thought for a second.

"This word is too big, screw it!" She quickly slammed the book. "Let's just talk." She showed her teeth, the smile made her glow.

"You, you wanna... talk to me?" He choked, now seeing that this was her plan to talk to him.

"Yep. To be honest, I kinda think your cute."

Kendall began blushing as her words. No one had complimented him, ever. His heart began racing, she made him feel...special. "Really?"

"Yeah," she smiled touching his cheek. Her soft fingers caressed the boy's cheek, as that made him smile even bigger.
"Thank, I-I really needed that."


The coaches quickly ran out of the locker rooms blowing their whistle. "C'mon kids! Start jogging that mile!"
All the kids got off the bleachers and began running.
Carlos sat in the men's locker room, tears flooding from his of sweat slowly slid down his face dropping onto his collarbone as Carlos wept to was heavy in the air like rain and permeated the whole room, the scent strong and sharp. He wanted to kill himself right now. Take away all the pain from him. His father had come back and that, that was bad.
Carlos couldn't handle the stress of taking care of Anna, he was embarassed that they were poor. He wanted what was better for her, so he did what was right. for her. Carlos put her up for adoption. He didn't want too, but if he didn't, he knew she would die. Living on the streets in the winter, it was well bad. He made sure he could take care of himself, but he needed Anna somewhere safe.

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