Fall Into My Gravity

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{A/N:}I would've updated sooner, but this chapter needed A LOT more editing than I thought! Enjoy!

Took a long hard look, at my life.
Lost my way, well I was fighting the time.
A big black cloud, stormy sky. Followed me, while I was living a lie.
So heartless, so selfish, so in darkness, when all your nights are Starless, You're running outta hope.
But I found the strength inside to see, found the better part of me, And I'll never let it go.

Carlos felt a smirk rose on his rosy, tan Mexican skin as the teacher spoke.

"...We're sorry..."

Carlos simply shook his head.

Rubbing his thighs nervously Carlos looked at his history teacher, not really caring about what she had to say. He shrugged. "I could care less if I fail this class. Cause im pretty sure I have more problems to deal with than passing high school miss," his eyebrows narrowed. "What's your name again?" He jerkishly chuckled.

"Don't disrespect me Carlos." The teacher ordered.

He looked at her. "You may not give a rats ass about me, but guess what? I am going to get custody of Anna. It may take a few years, but I can always come back to high school, but do you wanna know something? I can't go come back to Anna. So," Carlos stood up silently dusting himself off. "Fuck you, and fuck you to all the teacher's that don't believe in me. Cause ima make something of myself. Just wait!"
And with that, Carlos walked out the door. He felt good. He felt like he was on top of the world, he was going to get custody of his little sister, and that made him smile. That gave him inspiration. That he could do it. Anyone can do it, so why couldn't he?

Hands in pocket, he walked to the guidance counselors officer read to kick some ass. "Is Mrs. Karina here?" Carlos asked, he had finally remembered the principle's name. He barely knew the receptionist's name.

"Yeah, hold on a sec." The woman gently leaned toward the waiting room and Carlos, picked up the phone on her desk, and dialed a number and Carlos patiently waited.

Suddenly a girl walked in the room in a uniform. It wasn't a regular uniform. She wore a dark black jeggings, a dark enough red shirt to match, and a 'Red Sox' hat. Her hair was loosely falling over the frame of her face, and that caught Carlos' eye. Holding a greasy looking brown bag, she handed it to the receptionist. "Can you give this to my mom?" She sweetly said. "Sure," she said and started a conversation.

Carlos couldn't help but eavesdrop.

"How's your new job?"

She shrugged. "It's alright I guess. Not the best-"

"Where do you work?" Carlos interjected. "Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but yeah. . " Carlos quickly felt awkward.

"I work at Ben's Bakery. Who are you may I ask?"

Carlos suddenly got intimidated by her choice of words. May. No one really used that word nowadays, maybe it was because of the lack of respect with today's society, but it really made him feel uncomfortable. Looking at her, she seemed well dressed. Better than him he could say the least. Her eyes were a bright blue, and by her looks and attitude she seemed like an alright girl. She had her arms across her chest, but it wasn't like she was mad. It was a way of respect, and Carlos was impressed.

"I'm Carlos."
"Oh, you're gonna live with us? My mom is the principle, and she told me what happened if that's alright." Carlos suddenly tensed. He didn't like the feeling of someone telling other's about his problem. His peers would probably look down on him, but considering it was her daughter, he let it go. If someone was randomly moving in, he would want to know too. "It's fine."

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