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A/N: Well, it's been a while.. Well, a long while. Just a reminder this story will be ending soon 😭😭 I really don't wanna let it go, but sadly, we must PART! Enjoy babes


How are you supposed to keep going when everything else has stopped? Because you can scream as loud as you can but that doesn't mean anyone will hear you...

James looked around his room. Emily had drifted asleep and he was just locked with his thoughts. As much as he wanted to wake her up, he didn't. He looked outside his bedroom window and saw Carlos walking down the street. His hands in his pockets and most likely coming to his house. His eyebrows furrowed when he realized Carlos walked into his house. He hadn't been at home for awhile.


Carlos zipped up his jacket as he walked into his old house. He couldn't call it his, it was a boarding house that he always snuck into whenever he needed a place to stay. It was deserted now. He had the sweetest sadness in his eyes. Determined, he walked into a place he called his room and looked under the bedroom. It was still there. Carlos heaved the packed cardboard boxes towards the corner of the room. His strength faltered and the heavy box toppled out of his hands. "Shit." He muttered and rubbed the contours of his hand roughly and his chocolate orbs blazed at the mess scattered in front of him.

He kneeled down and scraped up the scattered papers that fleeted out of the box. His eyes scanned over the torn pages and messy handwriting.
"It's still here. . ." He said to himself and he looked into the box and found small gifts, notebooks upon notebooks, and old photo frames of him and his mom when he was younger-his teen years, her arms draped around him and he let a sighful smile frame his face.

It had been here for almost three years Carlos stunningly thought.
His soft chocolate orbs caught sight of one of the notebooks; his mom's big bubbly handwriting sprawled across the page in dark purple ink.
He blinks rapidly, the tears collecting at the brim of his eyes. His lids slip close and the first tear rolls down his cheeks, a soft sob rolling from the back of his throat. He's cracked. His head falls into his hands, clutching at his face and another sob rips through the silence, bouncing off the walls.

Why can't she just love me? He thought to himself. Why can't she be normal? Why can't she realize he stuck up for her?

So many emotion's ran through the latino's head. Everyday when he wasn't taking care of Anna or either studying, thoughts of his mother ran through his head.

He was sixteen the day he was kicked out, now the days were embarking until his eighteenth birthday.

"Carlos?" James voice come from behind him and Carlos jumped. Wiping away his tears. Standing to his feet, he looked at him. Not saying a word.

"A-Are you okay?" James asked, his voice hoarse. He didn't know what to say. His best friend was crying. What was he supposed to do?

"No." Carlos shook his head. "No I'm not." He automatically covered his face, a sob escaping his throat. He suddenly froze when he felt James' arm wrap around him, giving him an awkward hug he sighed.

"Its okay." He said.

Carlos suddenly fell to his knees, James basically flew out of his arms and Carlos screamed. "GET OUTTA HERE OKAY?" He yelled and James could see how upset he was.

"Carlos please..."

"NO. Just go!"


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