Stay In My Arms

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{A/N:} Sorry it's been sooooo long! With getting accepted into drivers ed, and then the Fourth of July, it's just been really crazy! Well, here she is!


On my heart you've burned
Doors slam
Lights black
You're gone
Come back
Stay gone
Stay clean
I need you to need me
Then love until we bleed

James felt his heart, it kept beating. Thump thump thump... he felt it. He was about to break down. Panicking, he looked around, see him. He felt his hands get clammy, sweatier and colder by the second.

Sitting at the coffee table in a local Starbucks, his eyes didn't leave him. Hearing him talk, hearing the words. James tightly held his coffee cup, he was talking to some woman.

James needed to confront him. He needed to. He just needed to get the courage to do so. He looked so happy, and that made James pissed off. How could be so damn happy when he made James so fucking miserable? Taking in deep breaths and letting out slow ones, he tried to gather his thoughts together. What should he say? 'Hey I'm the kid you raped a few months ago' No that'd be stupid, James thought to himself. He needed something creative, something good. Something random. He looked around the room, what did he have to loose. He doubted that the man would even recognize him. Smoothly standing up, he walked over to him. "Hey," he interrupted the man. He was tall, about 6'1 and weighed about 130 pounds. His eyes we blue and James remembered them perfectly. Mostly cause it was the only part of his face he could see. "Excuse me, I'm in the middle of a conversation here." He rudely snapped, which was the point. Since he automatically remembered the hazel eyes boy. James was caught off guard, slowly taking a step back he just did what he was told. "Yeah," he said about to cry. He looked at the man, reading his name tag his name was Ashton. "Sorry, sorry. I wanted to ask you a question." He looked down at his feet. "Its alright though, it doesn't matter." James suddenly shook his head, his hair flawless shook with his head, sending chills down his spine. "I'll just go." He softly spoke, feeling him stare him down he didn't wait for the man to speak, he just turned around and walked. Walking out the door, his eyes were wide. He had been sweating, nervous and the awakening of what happened to him had made him feel, it brought back all the bad memories, and when that happened: he shut people out.


Kendall suddenly opened his eyes, the smoke alarm in his kitchen suddenly began ranging and he jumped. "Dammit," he muttered to himself seeing that the food was burning in the pan. Throwing the pan in the sink, he turned cold water on, hoping to control the fire he tried his best to blow his breath on the smoke alarm. He learned in science class the air would cause it to stop.

But it didn't stop.
It kept ringing.
and Ringing.

He suddenly fell to the floor, his eyes could barely open as it was, no add the humidity of the room, and Kendall was out.
His father suddenly burst into the kitchen the fire has escalated. The flames burst out of the sink and onto the counter, it was like a chain reaction.

And there Kendall stood, frozen on the ground. Barely breathing.

"Oh shit, OH SHIT OH SHIT!" Kendall's father repeatedly freaked out to himself. he didn't know what to do, he didn't know who to call so he did what was expected: he left.

Tears flooded out of his eyes, seeing his son, he suddenly felt like...a bad father. Bruises ran along Kendall's neck and he looked at his hands, the cuts and bruises he had gotten from doing it. "Kendall!" He screamed, suddenly sitting on top of the boy, he began shaking Kendall by his shoulder. Shaking him, screaming on the top of his lungs. "Kendall! GET UP." He weeped, but it was no use. Kendall barely moved. His dad wasn't even sure he was breathing or not. but suddenly, the counter collapsed and the debree and ashes that came along with it, fell to the ground almost suffocating him.

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