We're Holding On and Letting Go..

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A/N: I'm just gonna rip it off like a band aid 😭
Last Chapter

Rebecca was smart. Smarter than any abused teenage girl could be. She sat at the breakfast table at school, slowly dabbing her shoulders and arms with makeup. No one would notice. No one would ask. No one would even pay close attention to her. Mostly because no one really came to school as early as her.

Her eyes were dull and gray. Dull as the pain that lied inside her. Dull as the lack of protection she had. Dull as the circles that lied underneath her eyes. She was dull. Everything about her was dull.

She had given up on being popular, oh how the school year has passed and they were already in their fourth month.

People stopped inviting her to parties. It was expected though, she had become less interesting in drinking, in the drugs, less interested in almost everything.

She scrambled inside her book bag, searching for a mirror. Thankful it wasn't completely broken.

Bringing it up to her reflection, she noticed her neck was unevenly colored. Softly applying more makeup she caked her body with unnecessary makeup.

Caking herself was the only way to cover it up. She didn't want to go through what she want through in the sixth grade.

Her body began shaking as the memory ran course in her brain the only way she stopped was someone grabbing onto her hands.

"Hey! Are you alright!" The person was a boy. Her eyes were closed but as soon as she opened them tears came out.

"Yeah," she lied pulling her wrists out of his grip. Slowly wiping away her tears softly, worried not to smear the makeup, she jumped up and began grabbing everything off the table and pouring it into her bag. "I-m sorry I gotta go-"

"Wait!" He stopped her. Rebecca didn't really look at who she was talking to, her eyes were on her feet.

She looked up and noticed that the boy she was talking to was Kendall. Her loose blonde hair halfly covered his forehead, his green eyes were different than anything he had seen. It was so perfect. A mixture of sweetness, a percentage of bitterness and protection. She hadn't seen anything like it before in her life. She suddenly snapped back into reality after realized she did not respond yet.

"What do you want?" She hissed, grabbing her dark gray sweatshirt that was behind her body loosely sitting in the chair. She slowly unzipped it, letting the sweater wrap around her body. It heavily weighed on her, not framing her curves for shit. It looked way to big, but it was the only thing she had to cover her scars except for using makeup.

Sweaters had become the only thing she worn.

"I want to talk to you." He deeply looked at her. Concern was the only thing he had on his mind. "Can I sit down?"

Rebecca heavily breathed. She shook her head. "No, you can't."

That made Kendall angry, but he sat down anyway. Folding his hands together onto the table, he looked at her. She looked a mess. Her hair didn't look brushed, it just hung down her shoulders, another safety net to cover her scars. She had makeup on, Kendall noticed. No eye liner, no mascara, no eye shadow just. . . cover up. He knew too much about hiding scars to not realize someone was hiding something.

"Why'd you sit down!" She eased back in the chair. "I don't want to talk to you, okay? There is nothing to talk about, gosh."

"Nothing to talk about?" Kendall hysterically smiled, sitting up as fast as he could. Slowly whispering, "You haven't been to school in over two weeks. You didn't think I was worried about you!"

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