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Skies are crying
I am watching catching tear drops in my hand
only silence as its ending, like we never had a chance
do you have to make me feel like
there's nothing left of me?

Logan reluctantly looked around the library, his foot tapping of the anxiousness that stuck in his brain. His man's words ate at his brain, never leaving his brain.


She's lied to you before...

She will never love you...

He had been waiting for at least an hour, or, that's what it felt like.

"Hey!" Katelyn has a fresh smile on her face, and when she saw Logan, it slowly faded. She frowned. "Is everything.. okay?"

"Who is Wayne Rogers!" Logan snapped at the sound of her voice and Katelyn gulped.

"H-How do you know who t-that guy is?" She questioned him, her voice was about to crack.

"He called me, ask me where you were. A-Are you, are you cheating on me?"

Katelyn took a seat and shook her head, a fresh tear falling. "N-No." She stuttered, wiping away the tear with her sleeve. "He's... he's my dad..."

Logan frowned, why would her father be asking him for her?

"Why would your dad call me?"

"Can I tell you later?"

"No, Tell me now."

Logan looked at her sympathetically. She looked like she was about to start crying any second now.

"My dad..." She started, closing her eyes as tears fell. "Is a alcoholic."

Logan became confused. What did that have to do with anything?

"He's been a alcoholic for as long as I could remember. He did drugs who knows when, and when my parents divorced I finally thought I could get away from it..."

"Away from what?"

Logan interrupted. He was surprised she was this strong.

"Him," she sighed. "He was never there for me. Ever. He always paid attention to my sister and forgot about me and my little brother. He made me hate myself.." she said in a soft whisper.


"No. It's true. He is a horrible father. Spending his money on only alchohol, making my mom make three jobs. I hate him. I really do. he thinks he can leave for a few years and suddenly come back and be a dad again..."

Logan looked down, not saying a word. This was a way deeper issue then he expected. He had never realized that lack of father in Jackie's life. Katelyn always seemed happy, she was always cheerful and amazing image in his head. His father had scarred her. He truly did. This was only half of what happened in her bitter life.

"I'm sorry," Logan said, putting his hand on his girlfriend's shoulder.

"It's alright," she sat up, shaking off her feelings running her fingers through her hair.

"No. It isn't. I'm sorry I was so upset. I ran into Mitchell a few days at the park and he... he put words in my head."

"Typical Mitchell." She scoffed.

"Look," Logan grabbed her hand. "I know your dad was never there for you," Katelyn's head popped up, her eyes glossy. "But I want you to know, I'm here for you. I wont leave you like your dad. I promise."

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