This Is Making Love Crazy

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So it ain't nothing wrong
We thinking with our hearts
And letting someone in
The storm might break you down
But you get up again


Carlos tiredly dragged his suitcases up the steps of his new "home". Running his fingers against the leather exterior of the bag, another hand held onto Anna. She looked up to her older brother, letting a smile release from her adorable face. "Carwos, where are wee?" She quickly took a step closer to her brother; holding onto his thigh. She was obviously aware of her surroundings and she was obviously scared. Carlos smiled, standing on the porch of the house, smiled.

Grabbing the girl by her hips, she clinging to his waist. "It's okay baby girl," he kissed her forehead. "This is gonna be our home for awhile alright?"

She nodded, tightly holding onto Carlos, she tightly closed her eyes. Before Carlos was going to knock, the front door suddenly opened. "Hello," the girl suddenly hugely smiled. "CARLOS!" Emily gasped in excitement, "Oh my Gosh, I haven't see you in forever! What are you doing here?"

"Uh, is Kiara or Mrs. Lane here?" He awkwardly asked. His eyes widened, and he gulped. She looked. . . beautiful.

"Uh, yeah. Hold on. Come inside." Emily quickly let the door open and ran upstairs, letting Carlos slowly walk into the kitchen. He looked around, a fancy chandelier mounting in the middle of the room, grunting, he rolled his eyes. The place looked fancy. Fancy decorations on the wall, leather seating, pictures of the family everywhere, it was nothing he could ever afford. Nothing he could even pay for in his entire life.

I don't belong here, he thought to himself. Setting Anna down, Emily suddenly came downstairs.

"Uh, Laurie is in the bathroom," Emily giggled. "She'll be down soon but she told me to tell you that I should show you your room and everything. . . so let's go"

She turned to the stairs. "Wait!" Carlos stopped her. She turned back around.

"Are you even sure that they, I don't know, want me here?" He gulped.

She shook her head. "Carlos, they wouldn't of offered if they didn't want you here. If it's okay, they told me what happened, why didn't you ever tell us about it?"

"It's something I really don't wanna talk about." He looked at her.

"Hmph," she looked around. "Well, I'm gonna give you a hug." She smiled, running over to her boyfriend's ex best friend she gave him a hug and Carlos smiled, hugging her back.

"I've missed you." He smiled, rocking the girl slowly back and forth, embracing her. "I missed you too."

She felt the smile on his cheeks and she had to say, he smelled good. A loud sound of someone clearing there throat caused the two to quickly pull apart.

"James," Emily said, taking in a breath, she looked at him.

"Carlos is here." James arrogantly looked at Carlos, giving him a look of disgust.

Though it was fake, he tried to make it seemed believable. That he was upset and sad. "J-James, h-hows it going?" Carlos stuttered as he asked the question.

James looked down, trying to control himself.

"I'll be right back." He lied, he wasn't gonna come back. He wasn't gonna do anything. He looked away from both of them, walking up the stairs that lead to Emily's best friends bedroom.

"Kiara!" James screamed running into Kiara's bedroom.

"Huh?" She said, reading a magazine that had Jennifer Lopez on the cover, she clearly didn't hear the frustration in his voice.

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