Chapter 2

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A/N: This chapters a little longer than the first one, if you like it be sure to let me know. Or if you want it longer say that. I want to make my readers as happy as possible.


"W-what?" I ask, unsure if I heard my parents right. Did they really ask that? I'm not dreaming am I?

"Would you like to go to Korea?" My dad says gently, patting my hand.

"Really?!" I squeal. I still try to make sure I don't get my hopes up.

"Really." My mum chuckles a little bit. She still has a huge smile on her face. I could see how happy they were. They must think this is an amazing opportunity. "From your reaction I assume your excited to go."

"Yes! Oh God yes!" I'm still squealing. I guess I hadn't realised how excited I had been. I hug them both, thanking them about a million times. After all, they were going to have to pay for my schooling there.


I was sitting in my room, on a call with one of my friends. She was actually from Korea, so it gave me a good chance to practice my Korean.

"I'm so excited to be going over there!" I was obviously still very over excited. "I mean maybe we can meet up. Oh, I've always wanted to meet you!" I stare at the phone which was on speaker. All I could hear was giggling from her. "Go-Woon!" I say, laughing a little. "You are listening to me, right?"

Go-Woon laughed for a couple more seconds before saying, "Yeah, I am. Sorry, my brothers being an idiot, as usual y'know." I had never actually met or even heard her brother before. She had mentioned him, so I knew he existed, but that was it. If she hadn't mentioned him, I wouldn't even know she had one.

"Mm~ I hear ya. Oliver can be so annoying sometimes. Oh, but Alice can be even more annoying! Acting like she's the boss of me and Oliver!." Alice is my sister, she's 22 and is currently just working an office job. She still lives with us to help my parents out. Their 47 and 48 so their mobility and whatnot are slowly going. Not that we say that to their faces, the last time we did it was terrible.

"Go-Woon!" I hear a boy say. I think it's her brother. This is the first time I'm hearing him. "Go-Woon! I'm leaving! Don't stay up to late!" I then hear a door close.

"I forget about time zones sometimes." I say smiling. I then realise she can't see me and laugh a little. "I'm smiling by the way." Next time, I'll video call her.

We ended up talking for a couple of hours. Making plans for if or when I go to Korea, laughing and joking around, and making fun of our siblings.


It was the weekend. And I still had to get up early! Sometimes I hate it but it's ultimately worth it. I love playing piano, but it also gets so tiring! I wish I chose guitar or something instead.

I get dressed, putting on a jumper and some plain pants. Slowly I grab my bag and walk down stairs, where everyone is eating or watching T.V.

"Alice, can you take me to piano." I ask her. She was wearing some old sweatpants and an old top. She looked like she was relaxing.

"Sure, just give me a minute to change." Alice looks at me and then gets up, going to get changed. She also got my dad's height, her being 6'1". Sometimes I hate that I inherited my mum's height, Vicky teases me with it all the time.

I wait for ages, which made me a little anxious. I hate being late. It feels like people judge me. Finally, after about 10 years Alice comes down in an appropriate outfit. Shorts and a T-shirt. I'll probably have to take my sweater off when we step outside.

"Took you long enough," I say in a teasing tone. "Now, let's go!" We walk over to the door and immediately I'm hit with the hot summer air. I hate that the house is so cold. It makes me forget what season we're in sometimes.


We finally arrive at the lessons. Ms. Neal is waiting patiently for me; I still can't believe we weren't late. I sit down next to her, ready to endure this for the next three hours.


After piano I think I might just go to the library. Alice left the second I had been dropped off. Not that I mind. I was planning on going somewhere else anyway, and if I need her, I can just call.

Before going to the library, I'm going to get some food. I didn't eat today so I'm starving.

I find a crappy little burger place and well, I guess it's good enough. Eventually it's my turn to order and then I wait another 10 minutes before I can get my food.

"Order 85, order 85." The employee calls out my number and I go grab my food. My stomach has been aching for ages. I really need to start eating in the mornings.

"Thank you," I say politely with a big smile. I leave and start walking to the library. Groaning a little at my growling stomach. Why can't it just suffer in silence?

The library is standing in front of me, and I sit on the steps. We aren't allowed to eat in the library anymore, since kids kept ruining the books by leaving food in it. Luckily, they haven't banned drinking water.  Kids only destroy the books with water every now and then. And by every now and then I mean rarely. I guess they enjoy drinking when they read. Good, because I stay there for a good couple of hours, just studying or reading for fun. I finish my food, chucking the rubbish in the bin. I then walk over to the entrance, stretching my fingers a little bit. I don't know why we have to play piano for so long, it just hurts my fingers.

"Morning Y/N." The librarian, Mrs. Barons, calls out to me. She has short white hair and wrinkles all over her face. She's also extremely kind to everyone, which is why I'm dreading the day she retires.

"Morning Mrs. Barons. How are you?" I say politely. I tie my jumper around my waist, before now I had just dealt with carrying it in my arms.

"Oh, I'm good deary." She says smiling at me. "Now off you go. Go study or whatever it is you do." I nod and walk over to a table. I grab my note book out and start studying for a random math test. I hate that my teacher just randomly announces them at the end of the week. I like math and all, but not when it's randomly thrown onto me.


I'd been studying for an hour when my phone rings. Picking it up I answer it.

"Hello?" I say still looking at a math question with slight confusion. Why did it have to be fractions? I hate fraction.

"Hi Y/N!" Ah, so Go-Woon called me. She sounded excited. "Guess what? My brother said he heard that we might be getting exchange students! They might be from your school!"

Hearing this makes me smile. "So, we might be able to do all of that after all?" I say happily. It's nice to know that we might be able to do all the stuff we've talked about.

"Mhm! I can't wait!" She was basically squealing in my ear. I understand why though, I mean, we've been talking about this for a good year. And now we might finally be able to do it. I wonder when we will be transferred. It would have to be sometime march since that's when the next semester starts in Korea. I mean, the first semester is already over. so it wouldn't make much sense to transfer us now.

"I'll ask my teacher when we go there. The school might send us a week or two before your school starts back up again to get us settled in." I tell her. I can imagine her smile right now, she really is just so precious.

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