Chapter 10

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I was watching Seojun and Jugyeong doing...what the heck were they doing? Seojun was sat down between Jugyeong and me and was acting all buddy-buddy with her. He originally tried talking to me, but I quickly shut that down. Why would he want to talk to me?

"Jugyeong!" Seojun whined. "Make her talk to me!" He then looked over at me. I went back to looking at my food. Yes looking, not eating. Since Seojun sat over here everyone has been looking in our direction.

"Don't act like we're friends Seojun. Ask her yourself!" Jugyeong said looking over at him. I roll my eyes and stand up, passing Seojun my food. He'd probably eat it. If not then it can go in the trash, I don't really care. I just knew that I couldn't eat it. I felt like I was going to throw up. I walk away and leave the building, maybe I can get dad to take me home.


I was walking around outside for a while, just breathing some fresh air, when Go-Woon walked over to me smiling.

"Hi Go-Woon." I say quietly, while walking around still. I look at her with a small smile.

"Hi Y/N!" Go-Woon smiles even more. "Did Seojun say it yet?"

Did Seojun what? What was he going to say? Was that why he wanted to talk to me? Still. Him wanting to tell me something gave him no right to annoy Jugyeong or me and ruin my lunch. Now I was going to go hungry.

"What did he want to say to me?" I ask while playing around with my uniform's blazer. She didn't even get to answer before the bell went. How long had I been outside?

"Just let him tell you during class." Go-Woon says still smiling. I look at her then we say our goodbye's as we walk back to our classes.


Walk into class to see Jugyeoung and Seojun running around the class. They acted so childishly sometimes, and sometimes it was a little funny, other times it was...well y'know.

I walked over to my desk and sat down, refusing to look at Seojun. It's going to take a good while till I can forgive him.

Seojun walks over to me and places something on my desk which causes everyone to make stupid 'Oooh' sounds. I look at what he had placed on my desk. It was...his keys? What the hell? I look at Jugyeong and she stares at me.

"What's this for?" I ask as i pick his keys up. I look at them for a minute then at him.

He smirks and leans down to me. "I'm listening to Jugyeong and she said to give you my keys."

What. The. Hell. What was I supposed to do with his stupid keys? I look at him again as he walks away. I look at the keys in my hand then stand up and chuck them on his desk. Everyone turns and looks at me as I sit down. They also gasp. Wow. Overdramatic much? The teacher walks in and we start class again. I can feel Seojun staring into my soul.


I hear the bell ring and stand up ready to leave class. Seojun walks in front of me stopping me from leaving. I look at him then try to sidestep him, but he blocks that too. I feel myself getting more and more frustrated.

"Seojun, if you don't move, I will punch you." I look at him and he looks at me, a small smirk on his face. It's just making me want to punch him more.

"Y/N." He says as he looks at me. I stare back, a small part of myself wants to hear what he has to say. The other, much larger part just wants me to punch his stupid face.

"What Seojun. I have to get going or my dad is going to kill me." I wait for him to say something but he just stares at me. Whatever, I'm leaving. I try to walk away again, until I feel him hold onto my blazer. I turn and look at him, my anger and frustration growing.

"What?!" I almost shout at him. Almost. I'm still trying to keep my cool over here. I don't feel like being suspended.

"I just want," He looks at me then bends down to my height. "To walk you home." The class looks at us and does the stupid 'Ooh' sounds again. I mean seriously. What about this is interesting enough for an 'Ooh'? I look at him and smile.

"No." Then I walk out of the classroom, seems like he wasn't expecting that. Good, it means that I can finally leave. I walk out the building and then finally off the school grounds. I was going to get the bus home, but I don't want Seojun to potentially sit there with me.  The walk isn't that long either. I mean I'll survive it no problem.


Seojun POV

I stay still. No? Did she really say no? I look around and everyone is looking at me when Tae-Hoon comes around and slaps me on the back. I look at him and he backs off, a slightly scared look on his face. All I wanted to do was apologize so Go-Woon would get off my back. I walk out of the classroom, maybe if I was quick enough, I could catch up to her.


A/N: Hi, so sorry for the late chapter, I'm still in school and had assessments and whatnot to do, I still actually have a couple. The chapter is short, I know but I will try to make the next one a little longer. Hope you enjoy this, and I will try to get another chapter out next week, again so sorry for the long wait.

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