Chapter 7

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A/N: I think I got Im Jugyeong's mums name wrong so apologies for that lol. Also, this chapter will be slightly shorter.


Go-Woon POV

I'm a little disappointed that I couldn't meet Y/N. Every time we tried something would happen. She would be held back, or I would be. There was always something going on. I look at our messages. Maybe we can try again tomorrow. She said that I'd be able to hang out after school with her since she's free.

"Seojun, hurry up." I say as I wait for him. I huff a little bit. I was supposed to see mum but ended up feeling sick, so I just went home. Y/N can't talk since she has to go shopping with her dad. They were getting some things to decorate her room.

After watching shows and movies for an hour or two I decide to do something. I groan and get up, going to get food. At least Seojun can't eat this on me. While I make some ramen, I get a message.


Go-Woon, do you want to talk? We finished shopping. 


Finally! My brothers out and I was getting bored. I'll call.

I call her and she answers right away.

"Hey Y/N!"


Seojun POV

I'm at the hospital with my mum, getting some good information. She can finally come home! It's only taken forever. And now she can't chew my ear off about me leaving Go-Woon alone.

"So, what happened at school today?" My mum asks me. I look at her while smiling.

"We had an exchange student. I don't remember her name. I think it was Go-Woon's online friend though. The one she wouldn't stop talking about." I say looking at her. I didn't mention that I accidently stopped them from meeting. It genuinely wasn't on purpose, it just happened.

"Is she pretty?" My mum asks, smiling at me. I scoff a little bit.

"I don't know. You should ask Go-Woon to show you a picture or something. I'm sure she has one. Then you can make your own judgement." I say as we leave the hospital and make our way to one of her friend's places. I had to go home first, so that I could drop my motorbike off. I didn't feel like listening to her lecture.



I was on a call with Go-Woon when my dad came over to me.

"Y/N I'm off to a neighbor's work, do you want to come with me?" He asks.

I look at my phone. "Go-Woon, I have to go, I'll actually see you tomorrow." I hear her laugh on the other end as she says goodbye and hangs up. I go over to the door and put my shoes on.

"Alright, when you're ready, we'll be off." My dad says looking at me.


We were outside a tattoo shop. Not any tattoo shop though, 'Pandora's Tattoo Eyebrows'. That's a new one. My dad walks inside, and we find Pandora. Apparently, my dad's been meeting all our neighbors.

"Oh, Toby! I wasn't expecting to see you here! And is this your daughter?" Pandora looks at us, and I feel my face get warm.

"Yes, this is my daughter, Y/N say hello." My dad looks over to me and I shyly wave. 

"Your daughter is so shy!" Pandora looks over at the door. "Oh, Lee Mi-hyang!" I look over to the door and see a woman walking in. My dad and I move out the way so that she can come inside. And then a young boy walks in. Him. The boy who stopped me from meeting Go-Woon. "Oh, Seojun!" Pandora says to him.

The adults talk together for a little bit when we all here a crash and turn to the back of the shop where someone was laying down on the floor. Im Jugyeong? She has some sort of face mask on. What the heck is going on?

"Y/N?" She says, as she looks to me. I wave a little, trying to stop myself from giggling.

"Y/N? Is that your name?" Lee Mi-hyang says to me. I turn and nod my head. Unfortunately, this means I also have to look at...Seojun. He looks at me a little surprised that I was there.


Seojun was taking photos of Jugyeong face, and I was sitting with my dad while he talk to Lee Mi-hyang and Pandora. Lee Mi-hyang looks over to me.

"You wouldn't happen to know my daughter. Her names Go-Woon." She says quietly. I look at her. So, this was Go-Woon's mum.

"I do. I was supposed to meet her today, but he stopped me." I say pointing at Seojun who had stopped taking photos of Im, Jugyeong.

"Seojun, that boy." Lee Mi-hyang shakes her head a little bit, then she starts talking to Pandora and my dad again. I zoned out a little bit, not really thinking of anything but also not listening to the conversation.

"Y/N, what's your input?" I look around.

"Hm?" I hum. What was happening?

"Does Seojun ride his motorbike to school?" My anger and frustration for him disappeared.

"You have a motorbike?!" I say looking at him. I loved motorbikes, but I was to scared to ride one. Seojun nods looking at me. "That's so cool!" He smiles a little.

"Ah, so you don't know. How could you if you didn't even now he had one?" His mum said. I was so confused.

"He rides it all the time!" Im Jugyeong says, pointing at him. Ah, I see. She's trying to get hi into trouble.

"Seojun! I don't want you riding it!" His mum says exasperated. Seojun looks at her, about to say something. "Im Jugyeong could you make sure he doesn't ride it?" Now Pandora looks at Jugyeong.

"Ha! She's as bad as Seojun! Going on blind dates!" What does that have to do with anything? "You should ask Y/N instead! Jugyeong says she gets good grades and that she's a good student!" And now everyone is looking at me. If I knew my good grades was going to get me doing this, I wouldn't have told her.

"Y/N." Lee Mi-hyang says to me holding my arm. "Please make sure Seojun doesn't ride it anymore." The way she was looking at me, I couldn't say no to her!

"Alright..." I say quietly. She let go of my arm and my dad and I left.

"Well...That was a great first meeting." My dad says, joking around with me. I laugh.

"Yeah, but I kind of enjoyed it." I said smiling. As we walked home, I kept thinking about what Lee Mi-hyang said to me. I was going to try my best, but he probably wasn't going to listen. I might push the responsibility onto Im Jugyeong.

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