Chapter 6

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The first week in Korea was a little boring. Dad and I went out a little bit, we bought everything I would need for school and some food. We also saw a movie and just hung out.

I was really excited for that week to be over though, because it meant that I could finally go to school, I could finally meet Go-Woon! Not right away, since she's a year below me but still. We'd be able to talk during lunch and what not. Maybe after school I can go to her place, or she can come to mine. Not today, she's busy with something else, but maybe sometime later.

I already had my uniform on, and my shoes were already at the front door. Dad was going to drive me since we hadn't had much time to figure out a route to school since we were spending time together and getting settled into the house.

"Morning dad!" I say happily, when I get downstairs. I quickly eat breakfast then brush my teeth.

My dad chuckles a little bit. "Good morning, Y/n. Did you sleep well?" I only nod my head as I grab my bag. I had set it down on the living room floor so that it was already downstairs, making it one less thing to worry about. I was practically jumping for joy.

"Dad hurry up! I want to go!" I say excitedly as I pull him to the door. My dad chuckles again still sipping from his coffee. "Dad! Come on!" I say laughing.

"I'm coming! Goodness Y/N, you're really excited about this aren't you?" My dad says as we put our shoes on. I finished first and was out the door in an instant.

"Yes, I am! I can meet Go-Woon today!" I say excitedly. I can't believe I'm actually this excited for school. My dad chuckles and leaves the house. Finally. He locks the door and walks over to the car. I swear he's taking his sweet time doing this. "Daaad." He only chuckles more at this.

Finally, he gets to the car and we're driving. Took him long enough. I take note of everything we pass, trying to remember the route he takes to school. This isn't really needed but it took my mind off school for a little bit. Today is going to be the best!


Dad drops me off and I walk into the school gates. I was supposed to go to see my homeroom teacher, but this school was massive! I really didn't want to talk to anyone which was a little difficult since people were really noticing me. Guess it's because I'm a new student. Once I'm actually inside the building I wander around looking for the stupid staff room or whatever. Eventually I give up and just ask someone, who was polite enough to lead me there. I thank them and walk inside.

When I'm in there I notice the principal and another teacher talking. Unfortunately for me the principal sees me.

"Oh, here she is!" He says loudly, which gets the attention of a couple teachers. "Ms. L/N I would like you to meet the vice principal, and your homeroom teacher, Mr. Han." Ah, so it was the vice principal he was talking to. He also points put another teacher sitting at a desk. I bow and politely greet them all before walking over to Mr. Han. We talk for a bit about my grades and classes before he takes me to the classroom. The bell rings and the room floods with students.

Well, this is a little overwhelming. I stand awkwardly at the front of the classroom and Mr. Han introduces me.

"Today I would like you all to meet the transfer student. Please introduce yourself." He looks over to me, and I feel my face getting a little warm. I was not expecting this. In Australia my teachers would just say we had a new student and then they would say my name. That was it. No introduction.

"Uh..." I start off. Wow, this is great. "My name is Y/N L/N and I'm a transfer from Australia..." I didn't really know what to say after that. What was there to say? I don't know these people. The only student I know here is in a grade below me. I look around and feel my hands getting a little sweaty. I hate when this happens.

I wait for laughter, but it doesn't come. Instead, everyone smiles and a couple of the students wave. I also hear a couple complements.

"You're so pretty!"

"How adorable."

"She seems shy." I heard that one a couple times.

All the other complements were jumbled together so I couldn't really make them out. I hear Mr. Han laugh a little.

"You will be sitting next to Im Jugyeong. Please raise your hand." A girl raises her hand and I walk over to her, sitting down at the empty seat.

"Hello, I'm Im Jugyeong." She says to me. She seems kind enough. I smile at her.

"I'm Y/N L/N. It's nice to meet you." I say to her still smiling. The class starts and I listen. I have to listen properly so I can translate what everyone is saying. I'm really glad that I became an exchange student. I thought I was going to regret it but now I know it was the right choice.


The bell goes and I have a couple girls surround my desk. They all look absolutely beautiful. One of the girls was Jugyeong, whom I already knew. The other girls however, I hadn't met.

"Um...Hi..." I say quietly. I can feel my face going red. The girl with short hair laughs a little.

"Hello! I'm Sua, and that girl there is Sujin. We were all going to go eat, would you like to join us?" The thing is I would love to, but...I really want to find Go-Woon.

"Um...Actually I have someone I would like to see... Maybe next time..." I say shyly. The girls look a little disappointed but smile.

"That's alright, maybe next time." The girls leave and I tidy my desk. Eventually I leave too and go looking for Go-Woon.


I'm still looking for her. We agreed to meet outside but I honestly have no idea how to get out. I should just ask someone, but the only people near me are a couple of boys who honestly look like their trying to be...I don't even know. But their shirts aren't buttoned or tucked in, and I really don't want to talk to them.

I sigh a little. It's either ask them or be lost, eventually missing my chance to talk to Go-Woon face to face. Alright, guess I'm asking them.

"Um...Excuse me..." I say to someone. He turns around and looks at me. He has a lot of ear piercings and looks a little surprised that I'm talking to him. "I'm not sure how to get outside and was wondering if you could help me..." I finish the sentence quietly. Now that I'm looking at him properly, I think he's in my class. He sits in the back, and he sleeps during class.

The boys behind him make 'ooh' and 'ahh' sounds. Great. I just want to find Go-Woon before the bell rings and if they won't help me, I'm leaving.

The boy laughs and flicks his head. "Why do you want me to help you." I look at him for a minute, getting a little frustrated. I seriously regret asking for help.

"I'm looking for someone and we agreed to meet outside. You were the only person here so of course I asked you." I couldn't hide the frustration in my voice. "Are you going to help me or should I just look for myself?" I wait for his answer.

"I'll help." He says walking away. Guess I'm following him. His friends start to follow us which was a little annoying but whatever.

"Finally," I say as we reach the doors. Now I can find-

The bell rings. God damn it! I probably would have found her if it wasn't for that idiot! I huff and walk back inside. Guess I'll have to wait.


It's the end of the day and I haven't met Go-Woon once. I did however meet Sua's boyfriend, Yoo Tae-Hoon. He was nice enough, a little too energetic though. I send Go-Woon a message explaining why I couldn't meet with her. And since she's busy today we have to wait until tomorrow. Gosh this seriously sucks! If it wasn't for that idiot, I would have been able to meet Go-Woon! I saw him in class and just ignored him. He is so frustrating!

I walk down to the bus stop waiting for my dad, which only took a couple of minutes. Once I was in the car we talked about our day and how it went. I mentioned my frustration about not being able to meet Go-Woon and my dad laughed a little.

"You'll be able to try again tomorrow though Y/N." He said smiling. I just grumbled a little bit. Today was the worst.

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