Chapter 8

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It was the next day at school, and I had arrived a little earlier. When I got home last night, I had realised that if Lee Mi-hyang was Seojun's mum, and she had asked about Go-Woon then that would mean they were siblings. When I finally realised that I called Go-Woon. She was surprised I knew but told me she didn't mind if I knew, she just didn't want anyone else to know.

I hear an engine and turn around, watching Seojun flying up to school past everyone. I quickly got my phone out and started taking pictures. I wasn't going to give up right away, I wanted to at least try before I pushed this onto Jugyeong. Seojun turned around and saw me taking pictures. When I noticed him staring, I started to run.

I ran past students and teachers. I wasn't sure where I was going but I could hear Seojun following me and calling out my name. I end up running into a classroom, the homeroom class. Everyone that was inside was staring at me as Seojun ran inside.

"Y/N!" He yells out puffed. He points to me. "Delete the photos."

I turn to look at him. "No, your mum told me to let her know when you ride your motorbike so I'm going to tell her!" I shout at him before running off. We continued like this until the bell went and we were ushered to class.


We had been sitting in class for half an hour, and Seojun hadn't stopped staring daggers into me. I was too scared to look back at him.

"Jugyeong." I whisper to her. She looks at me and smiles.


"Can I have your number? I need to send you something." I say quietly. She rights her number down on a piece of paper and hands it to me. I then put the number into my phone and send her the photos along with a message telling her to show Seojun's mum. I was just praying he didn't find out Jugyeong had those pictures.

Jugyeong looks at me with a smile and nods. Thank God. Now I can push that responsibility onto her. I smile and start paying attention to the teacher.


"Y/N!" Seojun said to me, slamming his hand on my desk. The bell had gone, and the teacher had left. Everyone was staring at us. "Delete it!"

I decided to play dumb. "Delete what?" I look at him and he scoffed.

"You know what I'm talking about." He looks down at me and I look up at him.

"Seojun," Jugyeong says looking at him. "Y/N doesn't have the photos." She stands up and grabs her phone. "I do, I had her send them to me." She then bolts out of the class. Seojun stands still for a couple of seconds before chasing after her.

"Well, that was easy." I say standing up and leaving the classroom. I was going outside to finally meet Go-Woon. Since I now knew how to get outside now, I wouldn't have to ask for directions.


I was sitting on a bench when Go-Woon arrived.

"Go-Woon!" I say happily. She runs over and hugs me.

"Y/N!" She says smiling and laughing. "I'm glad we can actually meet now." She lets go and continues smiling.

"It's good that Seojun couldn't stop me this time." I say smiling.

Just when I mention his name, he comes flying around the corner with Jugyeong in front of him. 

"Y/N!" She calls out stopping in front of me. I look at her confused. Go-Woon started walking away, not wanting to be seen with Seojun.

"What do you need?" I ask. Before she can say anything, Seojun stops next to us.

"Both of you, delete the photos!" I turn to him, and just stare at him.

Jugyeong looks between us, and I take a step towards Seojun.

"And what if we don't? You don't have anything on us." I cross my arms and smirk a little bit. He does the same and scoffs.

"I have a picture I'm sure she," he nods his head at Jugyeong. "Would not want to get out."

I roll my eyes. "Okay, so you have something on her, but still nothing on me." I begin to walk away as I watch Jugyeong delete the photo. That is after she made Seojun promise to delete whatever photo he had.

There goes my plan of pushing this onto Jugyeong. She probably wouldn't want after this, which was a little annoying for me. I didn't even want to do this, I really only agreed because Lee Mi-hyang had her pleading eyes. This was so unfair!

I walk back to the classroom and huff a little. I send Go-Woon a message and wait for her reply.


What's up?


Is your mum still home?


Yeah, why?


Do you think she would be ok with me staying over for a little while? Like a couple of hours.

My dad wouldn't mind, since it's Go-Woon. Besides, it's this or she goes over to our house, which would mean he has no quiet time for him, at all. Go-Woon said that it should be ok, and I smile. I'll be able to tell her about his motorbike now.


A/N: So, this chapter is a lot shorter than usual. Sorry about that. I'm getting a bit of writer's block. I'll still try to get a couple of chapters out this week, and then it will go to one a week. I hope you're enjoying the story so far though.

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