Chapter 5

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A/N: Time skip because I'm getting a tiny bit bored :)

Also, I learnt that I cannot find the principal or even vice principals names ANYWHERE, if you know their names, please feel free to tell me.

The house can be set however you imagine, I didn't really have a floorplan set lol.


It's Friday. Finally! The week felt like it was pulling on forever. I'm so nervous so I'm glad I have my dad with me. We're driving to the airport where Saebom High Schools principal will be along with Mr. Hwan. Honestly, when I learnt the principal was going to be there I panicked a little bit. I mean, he'll be responsible for me for about 11 months. I'm grateful but also SO freaking nervous! Anxious? Whatever. I'm both.

I can see the airport coming closer. Which is making me panic even more. Once dad parks he looks over to me. "You'll be fine, I promise." He pats my head in a reassuring way which brings a smile to my face. In the end I ended up being the only student going to Korea. This is due to Maxwell getting really sick, therefore not wanting to go. Damn asshole. I know he just didn't want to go.

We get out the car and dad takes our suitcases out of the boot. He then locks the door, and we walk into the airport. I know it might seem a little childish, but I decide to hold my dad's hand, I'm just to nervous and really need some comfort.

We walk for a couple minutes and eventually go through security. After all of that we take a seat in one of the...seating areas? Yeah, sure, whatever. There I take out my phone and send a message to Go-Woon, she probably won't see it since it's only 5am in Korea right now. The message was just letting her know that I was at the airport with my dad and that we were waiting for our flight and whatnot.

"Hello Y/N." I hear Mr. Hwan say to me. I look up from my phone and stand up.

"Good morning Mr. Hwan." I say bowing slightly. That had become a little habit from class. And my brain was only running on two or three hours of sleep since I had stayed up all night talking to Go-Woon, I was too excited to sleep.

Mr. Hwan laughs a little and introduces me to the principal, who smiles and shakes my hand.

"I hear your grades are impeccable!" He is a little too energetic for it only being 7am.

"They aren't the best..." I say, which is true. I'm only top of my class in a couple of subjects, for instance math and Korean. To be fair though there are only seven students in that class, and I really enjoy math.

"My daughter has the best grades in our family." My dad pipes in, honestly, I thought he was asleep or something because of how quiet he was being.

"Really?" Great, now I have to deal with the principal talking about my grades. We sit and chat until 8am when our flight gets here. We all say goodbye to Mr. Hwan and board the plane.


My dad and I are in a taxi, we arrived in Korea at 10pm after we both fell asleep on the flight. Honestly, I'm still falling asleep in the taxi. I'm glad my dad came with me since we're the only ones in the family who know Korean, apart from Nona and Papa of course. But him knowing Korean makes it easier for me since I feel like I'm about to pass out.

After driving for half an hour, we arrive to the new place. We thank the driver and dad takes the keys out, opening the small house. It's only two bedrooms and bathroom. Plus, a small storage space. It has two stories tall having one bathroom upstairs and one downstairs. I walk straight upstairs to one of the bedrooms. All I want to do is sleep, I'm so tired. But I also promised Go-Woon I would tell her when I got here. I'm gonna let her know I'm too tired to talk though and that I'll talk tomorrow.

I grab my phone out, sitting down on the bed. I send the message then lean back so I'm laying down. I'm so tired that I don't even realise that I'm slowly falling asleep.


Go-Woon POV

I get a message from Y/N saying that she's finally in Korea and that she'll talk to me tomorrow. I smile and go back to eating.

"What are you smiling about?" Seojun asks me. He sits down next to me and grabs my ramen.

"Hey!" I say taking my ramen back. "Go make your own!"

"One bite." Seojun says holding up one finger. I hand over my ramen.

"Only one!" I say crossing my arm. "Anyway, Y/N finally made it to Korea." I say smiling again. "I think one of her flights was delayed. Oh! And she's coming to the same school as us! She'll be in your year, so you're going to have to tell me if she's in your class or not." I say looking at him. Then I notice the pot my ramen was in was...empty.

"You make the best ramen." Seojun says smiling and patting my head before running to his room.

"You're lucky that wasn't the last package!" I yell out to him. He could've made his own.


Seojun POV

Once I'm in my room I sit on my bed. At least I won't have to listen to Go-Woon whine because her friend isn't here. Although now I'll probably have to deal with her friend being here.

I stand up and grab my bag, I'm going to need to replace that ramen I stole, but I also want to visit mum. Before I leave my room, I grab my keys then I walk out of my room and see Go-Woon grumbling a little.

"Let your friend get rest, she's probably tired from all the traveling, and she has to get rid of any jet lag." I say to her as I'm putting my shoes on. "I'm going to see mum, go to bed." I say as I walk out.

Once I'm outside I grab my helmet and ride my motorbike to the hospital. I'm definitely not telling mum that I rode it there. She seriously hates when I ride it.



I could hear birds chirping, what time was it? I look at my phone and see that it's 8am. Go-Woon would still be asleep, it would only be...Oh! Wait no! I forgot I'm in Korea. I can call her now!

Before I do that, I want to get ready for the day, and I want to get dressed. Preferably into something a little warmer. This house is almost as bad as the one in Australia.

I get up and rub my eyes from sleep. Then I brush my hair and find some warmer clothes. I'm glad Uncle TJ got me some warmer clothes. Their a bit to big but better than nothing. I put them on then go downstairs. For once I'm actually going to eat breakfast.

"Good morning, Y/N." My dad says once I'm downstairs. "I ordered some breakfast. I'll go shopping a little later so that we can eat proper food." He smiles at me as I sit down at the old dining table. The chairs were really old, and the table was a little chipped. The house itself smelled a little musky. I'll open some windows when I've woken up a little more.

I stretch and yawn a bit, waiting for breakfast to arrive. Once I've eaten, I'll call Go-Woon. I really want to talk to her and figure out when we can meet up. I can't wait to meet her! We've only been waiting for this for like two years. I know she won't meet with me until I've settled into the house and being in Korea.

The food arrives and dad and I eat in silence. When we're done dad throws the rubbish in the bin and I go around opening windows. Then I finally call Go-Woon.

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