Chapter 12

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A/N: I just used my favorite animal in this, feel free to change it to whatever your favorite animal is.

F/C = Favorite colour



While we eat dinner Seojun keeps giving me sideways glances. Sometimes he'll compliment the food, especially the eggs. He says he's never had eggs that tasted so good. What? He also complimented the mushrooms. I think I made them way to chewy but sure I guess.

While I take small bites of my food, I look at Go-Woon, who's sitting across from me. She has a small smile on her face, and I swear I saw her laugh a little. I kick he leg under the table while everyone talks, which causes her to laugh even more.

I start just pushing my food around on my plate when I see Seojun turn to me. Sighing slightly, I look at him.

"What?" I ask him as I place my fork down. He smiles then wipes something off my face with his hand. What the hell? I'm so confused.

"You had a little sauce on your face." He says smiling. Then he turns away, leaving me extremely confused. What was he doing? Why is he doing all that stuff? I look at my food then push my plate away, excusing myself from the table. I hear Go-Woon say that she was going to make sure I was ok as I climbed up the stairs.

What the hell is going on with Seojun?


Seojun POV

I watch as Y/N walks away and can't help feeling a little guilty. Why did I do that? When I looked away from her, I felt so embarrassed.  I look at my mum and Tony, Y/N's dad. Then I also quietly excuse myself. I slowly and quietly follow them up the stairs. I watch as they walk into Y/N's room. Go-Woon closes the door but leaves it slightly cracked open, so I can hear what their saying, even if they didn't mean for me to hear.

"Why did he do that?" I hear Y/N ask Go-Woon. I know she's talking about me wiping sauce off her face. Man, why did I do that? It was so stupid! Y/N continues talking. "I mean, I'm pretty sure I didn't have anything on my face so why would he-"

Go-Woon laughs. "Maybe he likes you." I hear Y/N protest and Go-Woon laugh louder. And I feel myself stand frozen. Do I like her? No, I couldn't. I mean, I don't think I've held a conversation with her ever! Well, we kind of did today but that must've been the only time we ever have.

"Sure he does." Y/N says. "While we're at it lets go ahead and say that one day we'll have a unicorn as a teacher, since you want to be so ridiculous." I hear her huff a little. They went on arguing about whether or not I liked Y/N for a couple of minutes.

"If Seojun liked anyone it would be Jugyeong, have you seen how he acts with her?" Y/N says in a hushed voice.

I stop myself from scoffing. Jugyeong? Really? I don't like her.

I hear someone coming up the stairs and turn around to see Mr. L/N.

"Oh, Seojun, could you get the girls for me please." He says with a small smile. I nod and he walks back down the stairs. I turn back to Y/N's door and walk up the stairs.

When I reach the door I knock slightly the open the door. The girls are sitting down on a small rug that has a F/C jellyfish on it. 

"Um... Your dad said to go downstairs." I say quietly. The girls nod and stand-up walking past me out the door. I take a quick look around the room and notice that Y/N has a lot of jellyfish in her room. A poster that looks handmade, a small sculpture and even a little jellyfish cushion on her bed. From where I'm standing, I can even see a couple of books about the creatures on her desk. I smile a little and close the door, walking back down the stairs.



I walk downstairs to where my dad is waiting. When he sees us, he smiles.

"Y/n, Mi-Hyang was wondering if you wanted to stay at hers for the night."

I look at both of them, then at Go-Woon. She's smiling.

"Um, yeah. I'd love to." I say smiling at Go-Woon.

I see my dad smiling a little. "Alright kiddo, go pack PJ's and your uniform. I'll pick you up from school tomorrow, ok?"

I nod and quickly run upstairs, I almost bump into Seojun on my way up.

When I reach my room, I grab my schoolbag and a random overnight bag. It's F/C and has a jellyfish print all over it. I grab my uniform, and some pajamas, which yes have jellyfish on them. I pack a couple over things like a hairbrush and my toothbrush and some watermelon flavored toothpaste. Last minute I decide to grab one of the books on my desk. It's a very informative book on the many different species of jellyfish.

I walk downstairs and Go-Woon pulls me toward the door, telling me to quickly pull my shoes on. I laugh as I do so.

"Y/N we can stay up and watch this movie, it's about a love triangle-"

"Ok, going to stop you right there." I say putting a finger up. I stop putting my shoes on for a second and look at her. "Is it really a triangle? Or is it actually a love corner." I see her pause for a second before she continues.

"It's about a love corner where two guys fall for the same girl-" I listen as I finish pulling my shoes on. When I'm done she continues talking and pulls me up and out the door. I can hear my dad chuckle at this.


Seojun POV

I laugh slightly as I watch Go-Woon pull Y/N out the door. I saw Y/Ns bag when she came downstairs and honestly, I don't think I'm surprised that she has a jellyfish printed bag.

I start to walk to the door when I hear my mum call out my name.

"Seojun, come here for a second please." I walk over to her and wait for her to continue. "Y/N will be staying over for the night, as you know." I nod. "So, I need you on your best behavior. Leave your sister alone. She's waited two years to be able to hang out with Y/N ok." I nod again and then finally walk outside where I see Go-Woon and Y/N laughing.

Do I like Y/N? No, I can't... Can I?

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