Chapter 4

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A/N: We're getting closer to you going to Korea! I'm sorry if it's taking forever. I try not to make the chapters to long, so people don't get too bored while reading. But still, I'm really enjoying writing this. Even if people don't read it lol.

Go-Woon will be 17 because I'm not sure how old she really is. If I learn I will defiantly change it.

Also, there may be swearing here on. If you don't like that kind of stuff.


It's the end of class and I was about to leave when I hear Mr. Hwan call out my name. I stop in my tracks and walk over to him.

"Yes Mr. Hwan?" I say looking at him. I really didn't want to be late for class.

"I'll try to make this quick," Mr. Hwan says. "Your grandmother paid for the exchange program for you, and she also said that she was going to get you a small place to stay. Her old home I believe." I knew Nona and Papa used to stay there from time to time, but I thought they just got hotels or something.

"I'll be sure to thank them..." I say quietly.

"Y/N, if you're struggling in class just know I'm more than happy to help. I am with all my students." He has a small smile on his face, but his eyes are still stern.

"I'll be sure to remember. Thank you, sir." I walk out and head to English. Then it'll be small break then double math and, lastly sport. The only thing I somewhat enjoy today is math and we'll have a test during that!

As I walk to English, I start to feel more and more drained. I really wish we hadn't gone to see Nona and Papa. I love them so much, but they really drain my energy. I yawn a little bit then enter the classroom.

"Miss L/N, your late." Mrs. Trice says. "Please sit down." I do as she says and sit down. Then I put my head on my arms, closing my eyes. I can't wait for today to be over.


Finally. Time to go home. Today feels like it's gone on forever. The math test was easy enough, which is kind of making me nervous because that means I've either done really well or really bad.

"Hey Vicky," I say to Victoria. She was waiting at the gate for me.

"Hey Y/N. What's up? You look tired as shit." Victoria smirks at me.

"Well, we had a math test." I say stretching as I wait for Oliver. "Oh, and I'm going to Korea on Friday." I say nonchalantly, looking at her.

"Wait WHAT?!" She yells. Obviously, she wasn't expecting that. Hence the yelling.

"Yeah, didn't I tell you?" Oliver walks over to us and so we start walking out the gate.

"Mum wants us home right away, so no dawdling." Oliver calls out to me as he starts running home.

"Hey! No fair! I have to go Vicky, talk tomorrow ok?" I say as I start to chase after Oliver. I really don't feel like listening to my mum telling me off.


"We're home!" I call out, puffed. Oliver had made us run so we got home 20 minutes early today.

"Y/N I would like to talk to you please!" My dad called out to me. I begrudgingly made my way toward the kitchen where dad was. "Y/N we need to get you some warmer clothes for winter. It snows in Korea so we'll need things like a heck of a lot warmer. Uncle TJ is more than willing to help you out with this. He just needs your size and whatnot." I listen as my dad rambles on about clothes and then I give him my clothing size for all those things. "And Y/N the schools allowing a parent to come along, just for the first week or two." I look at him.

"Yeah ok. Mum won't be able to go will she? Since she has work." I say looking at him.

"Exactly, so I'll be going with you. And I'm not sure if you were told but your Nona and Papa have allowed you to stay at their old home. Feel free to make it your own." He smiles at me while he's cooking. He should probably pay attention or he's gonna get himself hurt.

"Love you dad." I say as I walk away. I go to my room and look for a suitcase and backpack. I don't want to need to buy too much stuff so I'm going to look for whatever I might be able to use already.


I've been sorting out all my stuff for ages. By ages I mean about 2 hours. Then I had to have dinner and do jobs and hang out with my family so by the time I was done it was 11pm.

Oh crap! I just remembered I was going to talk to Go-Woon!

I quickly send her a message to see if she's awake, I can't wait to tell her the news.


Seojun POV

I look over at Go-Woon. She had been sitting here for ages, waiting for her friend to call. She had been waiting for so long she fallen asleep. I'm still looking at her when I decide to get a blanket. When I come back, I put the blanket on her and take off her glasses.

Then I see her phone light up. It's a message from her friend, Y/N. I look at the message and see that it's asking if Go-Woon is awake. I contemplate waking her up but then decide to just leave it. If her friend wants to talk to her she should call earlier. Besides it's not like I can unlock her phone. That's an invasion of her privacy. Then again, I feel bad leaving her friend unanswered.

"Whatever," I say quietly as I wake up Go-Woon. If I knew I was going to wake her up I wouldn't have bothered getting a blanket.

"Go-Woon, your friend is ready to talk to you now." Is all I say before I walk to my room. I can hear Go-Woon calling her friend. She definitely is not getting any sleep tonight. Her friend keeps her up, and they talk for ages. How much is there really to talk about? Sometimes her friend doesn't even say anything, they just sit there in silence.

I scoff a little and then get ready for bed. Of course, her friend calls on a night Go-Woon will need to go to sleep. We'll be visiting our mum tomorrow. She won't like that Go-Woon has been staying up. Not that she ever really listens to me.


Go-Woon POV

I hear Seojun say something then leave. When I open my eyes, I see a notification from Y/N. Wouldn't it be like 11pm over there? Whatever. I was ready to talk to her so, I called her.

"C'mon Y/N, pick up." I say quietly, yawning a little bit.

"Hello." Y/N's voice fills my ears. "Go-Woon, you there?"

"Hey Y/N. It's been a while."

"Sorry," Y/N says giggling. "I've been packing."

Packing? What was she- PACKING! "You're coming here!?!" I almost squeal. "When?!" I wouldn't be surprised if the neighbors heard me. I would have to apologise later.

"This Friday. I'm so excited! My dad's going to come with me, just for the first week or so, and they'll send me money every week. So will Nona and Papa. I'll be staying at their old house and- Oh God I really can't wait Go-Woon!"

I couldn't either! We were finally gonna be able to meet each other. Maybe not for the first week. I want to let her settle in and all but still, I'm so so excited now!

"And I learnt what school I'll be going to." Y/N says.

"Really?! Where are you going?" I say, I'm surprised Seojun hasn't come out to tell me to quiet down.

"Saebom High School." I hear her say.

"That's where I go to school!" I say happily. Y/N was going to my school? Really? How exciting!

I definitely can't wait for her to come here now!

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