Chapter 11

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I arrive home and dad isn't there. Instead of just walking around bored out of my mind I decide to call my mum, it's been a while since we talked, and I missed her. I took my shoes off then walked upstairs. I got dressed and called my mum with a small smile. I didn't have much to talk to her about, but I wanted to talk to her. It's been a while since I spoke to her last.

"Hi mum!" I say happily when she answers.

"Y/N! How are you? Gosh it's been ages since we last spoke! How's school?" 

I huff and went on a rant about Seojun and how he had been acting. Which made my mum laugh. Seriously?

"Mum! It's not funny! He's so annoying and the way he acts! Gosh!" I say in an exasperated voice. This just causes my mum to laugh even more. "Mum! I'm serious!"

"Sorry dear, honestly," she chuckles a little more, "it sounds like you like him." I huff even more at that. Seriously? Me? Like HIM? That's ridiculous! Like I would ever like Seojun. He's annoying and loud and acts like a child half the time!

"Mum if you met him, you'd understand why I find him so god damn annoying! He acts like a child!" My mum laughs even more.

I huff a little when I hear the door open.

"Alright," I say into the phone, "I think dads here so I've gotta go." I hear my mum laugh even more and choke out a goodbye. I hang up and huff out a little more.

"Y/N can you come downstairs please!" My dad calls out. I sigh and walk downstairs huffing a little more. I mean, how could my mum say I like him? Seojun! The childish annoying asshole who can not seem to leave me alone. I put on a smile when I reach the final steps of the staircase.

"Y/N, guess what?" MY dad calls out to me once I reach the bottom of the stairs. I feel my smile falter. "Mi-Hyang and her children are having dinner with us."

I see Seojun smiling at me and my heart skips a beat. Why did HE have to be here?!


I was helping my dad cook...something, while he and Mi-Hyang talked. I could feel Seojun's eyes burning into my skull and felt my face getting hot.

"Y/N, are you ok?" My dad asks. Why would he ask? Was I making a face?

"Mhm. I'm fine dad. Think I just need some fresh air." Without waiting for a response I walk outside. Man, it felt nice not having Seojun STARING at me. He was soo annoying! I feel like I say that a lot but it's true! I mean, staring at me? Really? Why would he do that? What's his problem? And we aren't even going to get STARTED on the whole dinner thing.

I sit down on the steps to the house, just breathing in the fresh air when I hear the door open. I turn around and see, to my dismay, Seojun.

"Oh...It's you." I feel my face getting a little hot again. Maybe I'm doing that because he makes me so angry. Right? I mean, he doesn't leave me alone anymore. And he's childish.

I hear him scoff a little. "What do you mean? You know any other girl would be glad it was me." Oh right, and he's...Himself. 

"Well, I'm not." I say calmly. Which is a little surprising, considering my hearts beating so fast I can hear it in my ears.

He scoffs again and then sits down next to me. I look at him for a moment while he looks straight ahead. I mean...I guess I understand why girls like him. He is pretty, and he is... sweet I guess, only to his mum though. Other than that, there's nothing that makes me really like him.

He looks over at me and smirks. "Staring now, are we?" I huff and look away. God WHY IS HE LIKE THIS?! I stand up only to have him grab my arm.

"Wait, there's something I need to tell you." He looks at me and stands up as well. He opens his mouth only to be interrupted by my dad walking outside. Probably to see what the hell was taking me so long. I look at him as Seojun quickly let's go of my arm.

"What was going on?" My dad asks with a raised eyebrow. he looks from me to Seojun, who's cheeks are a little red. Why are his cheeks red?

"I was getting fresh air and Seojun decided to follow me because... Well... he's himself." My dad looks at Seojun again and smiles a little, which confuses me a little bit.

I shake it off and walk inside to find Go-Woon and Mi-Hyang at the dining table with dinner already there. How long were we outside? Obviously long enough that dad finished dinner. I walk over to the table and take a seat, talking to Go-Woon and Mi-Hyang, waiting for Seojun and my dad to join us.


Seojun POV

I watch as Y/N walks inside. Her dad smiles at me then starts talking.

"So why did you follow Y/N?" He asks still smiling. I feel my face heat up slightly.

"My sister told me I had to apologize to her... Because um..." Why did I have to apologize to her? I don't remember. Y/N's dad just looks at me. Why was I so nervous? It's not like I was doing anything bad. I was just going to say sorry for... something I can't remember and then I was going to leave. But then she went to leave to I... Grabbed her arm... Why does my face feel like it's on fire? Why is it so hot?

"Hm." Y/Ns dad chuckles then grabs my shoulders which surprises me. "We are going to go inside and you're going to sit next to her. You are going to eat dinner and complement it. Especially complement the eggs, that's what she made. Then she'll be all happy and might even crack a small smile, then try to get her alone with you so you can... apologize to her." He let's go of my shoulders and walks inside.

Is it just me or does he seem to think I was lying about the apology.

Either way, I listen to him. I walk inside and sit next to Y/N. Guess I have to put the plan into action.


A/N: Expect the chapters to come randomly. Writers block and motivation suck so I doubt I'll be able to stick to my schedule of once a week. Also, I know this chapter kinda sucks but I needed to write something before my little motivation left.

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