Chapter 9

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I was sitting in Go-Woon's living room and having a bit of a staring contest with Seojun, who was across from me. I had tried several times to tell Lee Mi-hyang about his motorbike, but he kept taking her attention away from me, it was very frustrating. And what was worse is the fact that he would smirk afterwards! He would look me directly in the eye and smirk.

While Seojun and I are staring at each other, Go-Woon and her mum are folding and watching some movie. I offered to help but they both said I was a guest.

I hear the movie say something and decide to stop staring at Seojun, looking at his face was pissing me off too much. Instead, I just started watching the movie. I'm honestly surprised no one noticed us staring at each other.

"Y/N, would you like any food?" Go-Woon asks as she smiles to me. I was about to deny the offer. I was about to. My stomach however, decided that it was hungry. Go-woon gigled a little bit before getting up to make some food.

"I'll take that offer too!" Seojun calls out to his sister.

"Make it yourself!" Go-Woon calls out over her shoulder. This causes me to laugh a little, as Seojun scoffs. He then gets up and makes himself food.

I hear Lee Mi-hyang laugh a little and I turn to look at her. She was very pretty. I can see why Go-Woon looks the way she does. Sure, she has some pimples, and her face is a little red, but honestly, she doesn't look as bad as she may think. I like that she doesn't look like very other girl out there. Lee Mi-hyang notices me staring and I feel my face turn a little red. I was still shy around her.

"You're really pretty." I blurt out. I then realise what I've said and look away. I hear Go-Woon giggle a little as she sits down next to me, handing over a bowl of ramen. I thank her and take a bite.

I can see why Seojun wanted her to make his, they taste really good. Whenever I make it I always forget something.

Seojun walks over and sits down next to us, eating his own bowl of ramen. We all sit there in silence, the only sounds being the movie playing and the sound of us eating. I only get to about half-way through my bowl before I have to stop. Honestly, it's not because I was full. I just get embarrassed eating in front of people. I don't know why, but still, I can't eat anymore. If I'm still hungry later, I'll eat at home. Hopefully what I've had will last me until then.

I notice Seojun has finished his bowl and is looking at mine. I push it towards him. Better he eats them rather than have them go in the bin or something. He happily takes them, which causes Go-Woon to hit him on the arm.

"Those aren't yours!" She says to him. I look at her smiling.

"It's ok. I'm full anyway." I say with a big smile. I look at the time. It's already 10:30. I gasp a little. "I have to go! God, I didn't realise how fast the time had gone by! I'm really sorry for staying so long!" I quickly jump up and grab my bag, racing to get my shoes on. I shout a quick goodbye before running to the bus stop. Hopefully dad's understanding.


Seojun POV

I watch as Y/N runs out the door. she looked a little panicked as she said her goodbyes.

"I like her Go-Woon. She's a good friend." My mum says.

Go-Woon smiled. "Your just saying that because she called you pretty." Mum smiles a little.

"While that may be a reason," She says looking at Go-Woon. "She seems really kind, and sweet." She looks over at me, and smiles as I continue eating Y/N's ramen. "And she seems like she's a very giving person." She puts her hand on my head before standing up and going to bed.

"You still shouldn't have taken her food." Go-Woon says looking at me.

I shrug. "She wasn't eating, and I was hungry." I say as I finish the bowl of food.

"You better thank her tomorrow!" Go-Woon says as she walks to her room. She'll probably call Y/N later. Then I'll have to listen to them giggling and laughing. I put the bowl in the sink and wash it up. After that, I walk to my room. 



I was on the bus, going home. My dad was sending me messages asking if I was safe and okay. I was messaging him back, just letting him know that I had lost track of time and that I would be back soon.

When I got off at my stop, I had to walk a couple of minutes. It was about 11pm now and I was ready for bed. I finally arrive at the door and walk inside. I take my shoes off and run upstairs to get changed.

When I'm dressed, I get a call from Go-Woon, and we talk for an hour or two. She was complaining about Seojun and the fact that he ate my dinner, and I laughed a little.

"I swear! He's like a blackhole!" She says laughing a little bit. I laugh with her and yawn a little. I stretch and close my eyes. I had fun today, hanging out with Go-Woon and her family. I hope I can do it again.


A/N: Sorry for the short chapter, expect these to come up every now and then. I've got a severe case of writer's block lol. At least I only have to focus on 1 chapter every week now. I'll try to make the chapters a little longer next time.

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