The Southern Lights

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A/N: I couldn't wait for Saturday because I'm actually excited because I got some interesting things coming up.

"The Southern Water Tribe is under siege! When Avatar Korra and Krew were attacked by a dark spirit, Chief Unalaq was the only one able to stop it. So, Korra turned her back on Tenzin and chose Unalaq as her new spiritual mentor. Tenzin and his family left for a vacation at the Southern Air Temple, while Korra remained in the Water Tribe. Will she be able to restore the balance between humans and spirits?" Shiro narrates.

In camel yak stables, Korra rides in on Naga, with Unalaq waiting for her. Korra dismounts Naga and approaches her uncle. "You're early," Unalaq says. "What can I say? I'm pumped up to learn that Unalaq spirit fighting." Korra says, excited.

"I'm not here to teach you to fight spirits, I'm here to help you begin your spiritual training. We're going to one of the most remote places in the world, the long-neglected spiritual center of your tribe, the South Pole." Unalaq explains. "You're going to train me at the South Pole?" Korra asks. 

"We will do more than just train. By neglecting the spirits, the people of the South have brought darkness upon themselves, and now it threatens to destroy our tribe. We must set things right. The Southern Water Tribe depends on you." Unalaq says.

"A dangerous trip to the South Pole? Count me in!" Korra enthusiastically says. Korra saddles up Naga, as Mako and Kenzo, who has some bandages around his head, help her pack supplies.

"I thought you said Bolin was coming?" Korra asks Mako. "He said he'd be here, but I can't worry about it. I have to make sure you have everything you need for a safe trip." Mako says."Thanks, Captain Expedition, but I'll be fine." Korra sarcastically says with a smile. 

Korra hears a sound and turns her head around to see Tonraq pulling up on a snowmobile.

Unalaq, who has been packing, notices Tonraq and scowls, before approaching his brother. "Tonraq, what do you want?" Unalaq asks annoyed at his presence. "I heard you're taking Korra to the South Pole. I'm coming." Tonraq says.

"Absolutely not. You're a distraction to Korra and a hindrance to what needs to be done." Unalaq angrily says. "My daughter is not going without me! She needs someone to watch after her." Tonraq says determined. Korra rides up to them on Naga, Mako sitting behind her. 

"Dad, why do you always think you know what's best for me?" Korra asks. "Because he's misguided. The sad truth is, it's men like your father who have put the Spirit World out of balance. He's ignored my warnings in the past and hasn't learned since." Unalaq says.

"What happened in the past?" Korra asks. "It doesn't matter. What matters is the Everstorm." Tonraq says. "The Everstorm?" Mako asks. "It's a massive blizzard that's battered the South Pole for decades. I'm coming, unless you think you can stop me." Tonraq stubbornly says.

They glare at each other when Bolin shouts at them from a distance. "Guys! Hey, wait for me!" Bolin zooms in on a snowmobile with an attached sidecar, wearing a new snowsuit.

Mako, Kenzo, and Korra look at Bolin confused as he pulls up next to them. "Check it out, I'm traveling in style!" Bolin says. He accidentally turns the throttle causing the vehicle to jerk forward but promptly stops the vehicle.

"Okay, uh, sorry, still getting used to that throttle." Bolin nervously laughs. "Uh, where'd you get the ride?" Mako asks. "Varrick; he's awesome! He also gave me this fancy snowsuit! It's inflatable, with an internal heater, emergency beacon, and food ration pouches! I mean, if I get lost, I can survive in this thing for like, like a month...Did I interrupt a conversation?" Bolin explains.

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