All Alone

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Three Years Ago

A large cargo ship docks at Air Temple Island, the sky gray and covered with clouds. The scene changes to the gangway beside the ship, where Asami, Mako, and Bolin, with Pabu on his shoulders, walk up to Tenzin, Jinora, and Korra, the latter sitting in her wheelchair with bandages wrapped around her upper right torso and shoulder.

"Now don't take this the wrong way, but I can't wait for you to leave!" Bolin says, excited. Mako crosses his arms before his chest and Kyto facepalms. "Good spirits, Bolin... You need help." Mako looks at his brother and asks him, annoyed, "How else is she supposed to take that, but the wrong way?" 

"I mean, because I've never had a pen pal before!" Bolin explains. "I'm gonna write so many letters, and, just to get the ball rolling, here," Bolin says ecstatically. He takes a letter from his pocket and hands it to Korra. "Spoiler alert: Pabu and I already miss you." 

Korra takes the letter as Pabu chirps happily and Bolin softly smiles. "Thanks. That's sweet." Korra smiles, looking down at the letter. In the background, Kyto places a hand over her heart and says, "That might be the sweetest thing ever." 

Asami leans over and puts her hands on Korra's shoulders as she looks up at her. "Are you sure you don't want some company in the Southern Water Tribe? I'm happy to come with you." "Speaking of company, does anyone know where my brother is?" Kyto interrupts with a question. 

Mako answers, "I think I saw him in the mediation pavilion." "You guys think he's still blaming himself for what happened to Korra?" Bolin whispers to Mako and Kyto. Kyto sighs, "Knowing my brother, Definitely. He beat himself up over our father's death when he couldn't do anything. How do you think he feels that he couldn't stop his girl from being kidnapped and poisoned like that?"

Korra quietly sighs, hearing them even though they're whispering. She turns away from Asami, the smile gone from her face, facing no one in particular as she stares ahead. "No...I appreciate it, but I'll only be gone a couple of weeks."

Korra pulls her hands away from her shoulders, and Asami leans back. "A little time alone will be good for me." She shrugs. "Now, I don't want you to worry about a thing while you're gone. Your recovery should be your number one concern. Jinora, the airbenders, and I have everything under control." Tenzin assures her, resting a hand on her shoulder.

The group on the dock waved goodbye to Korra, her parents, and Kya. "Bye, Korra!" "Get better soon!" "Don't forget to write!" "We'll see you soon." She initially waves back, smiling, but the smile and her hand both drop quickly, and she looks away.

One night, Korra is tossing and turning in her bed. She moans and groans, sweating. She sees Zaheer floating over her limp body while asphyxiating her and the air being pulled from her lungs.

Then Kenzo holds out his hand with electricity dancing around it, slashing him with air and blasting her with his lightning. Korra's eyes snap wide open in terror as she wakes up. She bolts upright in bed and breathes heavily as Naga, on the floor next to her bed, pokes her head up.

Later, Korra is outside on the porch in her wheelchair, silently watching the southern lights dancing across the sky. Senna walks up behind her and puts a hand on her shoulder. "Can't sleep again?" Senna asks her daughter, but Korra simply drops her head to her chest in response.

Senna kneels beside her daughter, caressing her hair. "Honey, your father and I have tried to give you as much space as you've needed, but we're worried." Korra blinks, silently listening to her mother's words.

"You're not sleeping; you're barely eating. And you've been vomiting these past two weeks. We don't want to push you, but it's been three weeks. Will you please go see Katara?" She hesitates for a moment, closing her eyes before saying, "Alright...I'll go."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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