Girl Problems

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"After Korra discovered that Chief Unalaq betrayed her and her father, she turned against him, sparking a civil war. The Southern rebels rallied around Tonraq, but they were vastly outnumbered, so Korra was headed to Republic City to seek aid. But will she be able to convince President Raiko to send troops to help the South?"

They arrive back at Republic City. They get off the ship Lin walks up to them and she notices they are all very gloomy. "Welcome home, Avatar. Thanks for starting a war." Lin says, sarcastically.

"No problem," Kenzo responds with even more sarcasm. "I didn't start a war. Well, I did, but it's more complicated than you're making it seem." Korra says, defensively. "Mako, I want you back on the beat. There's going to be a Southern Water Tribe peace march tonight. I need you there to make sure things don't get out of hand." Lin orders.

"I'm all yours." Mako nods. "I'll go too. The people of the South need to see that the Avatar is on their side in the fight against the Northern invaders." Korra says. "Great, that should calm them down." Lin sarcastically says, walking away.

"Maybe you should sit this out," Mako says. "What?" Korra asks. "I just think having you there blatantly supporting one side will only make things worse. You could at least try to seem neutral." Mako explains.

"I'm not neutral! The North invaded my home. The only reason I'm here is to get the Republic to send troops to help the South." Korra says. "She has a point," Kenzo adds.

"Zhu Li's already scheduled a meeting for us with President Raiko tomorrow. We'll get them on board." Varrick adds. "Whatever, I gotta go to work." Mako walks away. "I better go check on my factory," Asami says, walking away.

"I'll come with." Kenzo volunteers. Asami and Kenzo go together to the factory in her car but Asami was even more worried about Kenzo after finding out his secret. "Is your arm okay?" Asami asks.

Kenzo nods, "Yeah. For now" "How long has this been happening?" She asks. Kenzo doesn't answer. Asami grabs his face and faces it towards her. "How long?" Asami asks in a demanding tone.

Kenzo looks at her, shocked with a light blush then sighs. "Since Korra opened the Southern portal," Kenzo answers. "Kenzo. That was nearly a week ago." Asami says, worried. "Yeah." Kenzo sighs.

"Kenzo, you can't keep hiding things from us." "I know..." Kenzo says, feeling like a kid getting lectured by their parent. "No, you don't. That's why you keep doing it." Asami says, frustrated.

Kenzo starts getting annoyed since he was getting lectured by Asami. "Stop lecturing me, please! I'm not a kid." Kenzo says, annoyed. "I don't mean to lecture and I don't mean to preach and I know I'm not your girlfriend-"

"Then stop pretending to be!" Kenzo shouts. "Fine. All I'm asking is for you to just please trust us. We've all been together for a year now." Asami says, focusing back on the road. "Asami..." Kenzo tries to say but notices she's in not a talking mood.

The rest of the drive was silent but luckily they were at the factory before they knew it. Asami goes to her office and looks at the mountain paperwork and sighs. Kenzo didn't pay much attention to her and just lays on her couch in the office. 

Kenzo and Asami were at the factory for hours until nighttime arrived. Kenzo saw Asami working hard and so he went out to go buy food for them to eat for dinner mainly to make up for what he said earlier.

Kenzo passes the Southern Water Tribe Cultural Center after getting the dumplings. A huge number of people have congregated, while police riot vehicles have been employed to control the crowd.

The Lightningbolt(Male OC x The Legend of Korra)Where stories live. Discover now