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In an open field, where Naga jumps and catches a ball with her mouth before making her way to Korra and Kenzo. As Naga drops the ball in front of Korra, she airbends the ball away from the airship, getting Naga to fetch it as Bolin watches.

Korra says, turning to Kenzo who is kinda zoning out, fiddling with his necklace. "I still can't you did all that as an eight-year-old," Korra says, still slightly taken aback. Kenzo doesn't answer, still looking down at his necklace's pendant.

It's a shiny black rock connected to the chain. He's brought back down to earth by Korra snapping in his face. He yells out in pain, "Huh? What?" "You okay? You were completely zoned out." Korra says.

"I was? Sorry. Just thinking. My dad said my mom gave this to me when I was little before she left." Kenzo says, holding up his necklace by the chain. Ghost who is on his shoulder, leans in to sniff and licks the pendant. "C'mon, boy. This isn't a treat."

He grabs Ghost and puts him on the ground. "Your mom? Didn't she leave when-" "When I was 2. Yeah, well that's what my Dad told me." Lin walks over to the two, "While you're playing fetch, four of the most dangerous criminals are hunting you down. We should get moving."

"Lin, we're in the middle of nowhere. They won't find us anytime soon as long as we avoid well-known and big cities." Kenzo says. "Kenzo's right. Relax, we just got here. Besides, no one knows where I am except us." Korra tries to reassure her.

As Naga returns and drops the ball, Korra pats her. "I think she wants you to throw it for her." She turns to Li. Lin looks down at the saliva and grass-coated ball as Nagi whines. Lin keeps looking down for a few seconds before glancing at Korra.

"I'll pass, thanks." Kenzo shrugs and kicks the ball up like a soccer ball before bouncing it on his knees and kicking it away. Naga chases after it as he smirks. "Top that." Korra scoffs when suddenly Mako, Kyto, and Asami rush over. 

"We just got a call from the radio about another airbender," Asami says. "Finally! Where are they?" Korra asks. "A city called Zaofu-" Lin looks uncomfortable as soon as she hears that. "-the home of the Metal Clan," Mako says. 

"Zaofu. I can't wait!" Kyto says with some of her child-wonder returning. "You know it?" Mako asks. "Do I?" Kyto shouts, getting in Mako's face and causing it to become red. "What's so great about Zaofu," Kenzo asks his sister getting in between the two of them. 

Kyto gasped, visibly hurt by what her brother said. She starts to explain, "Well, older brother. It's a whole city made out of metal. It's like an earthbender paradise. I always wanted to go. Ever since I was little you should've known that." She finishes, glaring daggers at Kenzo.

"Girl, that was 14 years ago! I was supposed to remember that!" He tries to defend himself. "Well maybe if you paid any-" Kyto starts. "No! I don't want you to go there. I would rest a lot easier if you were back at Republic City." Lin cuts into the conversation.

Kenzo shakes his head, "That's literally the worst idea. Zaheer's probably on his way there as we speak." "Yeah, it would be the smartest move if you wanted to find someone. Go to their home and for Korra, it's Republic City," Kyto agrees.

"Lin, I trust Kenzo's judgment. Plus if there's an airbender in Zaofu, then that's where we are going next." Korra walks past her with the others following. Lin glares to the side then Naga bends down and nudges the ball over to Lin with her nose.

The metalbender looks at the polar bear dog for a moment before bending out her cable, deflating the ball as she leaves. Naga looks down at the deflated ball and lowers herself down, pawing at it, attempting to roll it on the ground. She makes a sad whining noise and her tail sags.

The Lightningbolt(Male OC x The Legend of Korra)Where stories live. Discover now