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A boy around 8 with puffy black hair and a sword tied across his chest runs through the city streets and alleys while being chased by the owners of different stands. The boy slides into an alleyway while avoiding the owners.

He passes three women, laughing at him, "Morning, ladies." The boy salutes. "Getting into trouble a little early today, aren't we, Kenzo? And where's your sister?" The woman asks while laughing.

Kenzo scoffs, "Somewhere around here? And trouble? Me? No way. You're only in trouble if you get caught." Suddenly, a hand grabs Kenzo's shoulder and yanks him back to the face of a stand owner with a flame in his hand.

"I'm in trouble." Kenzo gulps. The stand owner pulls his hand back ready to burn Kenzo away but a stone crashes into the stand owner sending him away. He turns to the end of the alleyway with a smile. "Kyto! Perfect timing as usual!"

A young girl around 7 with black curly hair tied into two short pigtails runs over and hugs Kenzo. "You know it!" She says before smiling. The two siblings separated from their hug before doing their little handshake.

----------------------------------------------14 YEARS AGO-------------------------------------------------------

"Thieves!" The brother and sister duo hear someone yell, and they see the stand owners running at them. The two keep running with the angry owners chasing them but then they notice a building with scaffolding surrounding it.

The two look at each other and then look back at the scaffolding but look back at each other with a sly smirk. The boy speeds ahead, holding his hands behind his back. The girl leaps on his back as the boy speeds up with small sparks surrounding him. 

Then small little pillars pop out of the ground, giving the boy stepping stones to jump onto the scaffolding. The stand owners start to climb the scaffolding, yelling at the two, "Stop you, thieves!" "Streetrats!" "I'll have your hands!" 

"All this for a loaf of bread and a few fruit." The boy jokes as the little girl giggles while hopping down. "One jump ahead of the breadline," Kyto sings, dodging a rock hurled at her. "One swing ahead of the sword," Kenzo joins in, ducking out of the swing of a sword. 

"We steal only what we can't afford, That's everything." They sing running away. "One jump ahead of the lawmen🎶 That's all and that's no joke🎶These guys don't appreciate I'm broke!" Kenzo swings onto another platform using the top bars of the scaffolding as Kyto fires small pebbles at the stand owners.

"Riffraff! Streetrats! Scoundrels!" The stand owners yell, firing rocks and fireballs at the two kids. Kyto holds up the loaf of bread, singing, "Just a little snack, guys." They don't listen and earthbenders on the ground start shaking the area.

"Rip them open, take it back, guys!" The stand owners chant. Kenzo laughs, unsheathing his sword and hopping on a sandbag with his sister. "Try a different tac', guys," He sings, cutting the rope, and letting them fall to lower levels of the scaffolding. 

The two siblings easily step off the sandbag as it crashes into the ground. They run away, dodging the elements the stand owners are hurling at them. A powerful fireball hits the scaffolding, starting a fire that starts to break the ropes holding the scaffolding platforms together.

"I can take a hint," Kenzo sings. "Gotta face the facts," Kyto sings with her brother. "We're our only friend," Both siblings sing, jumping off the scaffolding to another building. But Kyto's jump is too short and she just hits the side of the building.

The Lightningbolt(Male OC x The Legend of Korra)Where stories live. Discover now