Fury Reignited

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It's been five days after Lin and Su's big fight and it's been pretty peaceful. Now, in the garden of meteorites, Korra is sparring with Wing. He fires two meteorites at her, but she dodges them and sends her metal cable at him.

He dodges it twice, traps it on the ground, and bends it back at her. The impact of the cable knocks Korra to the ground, tangling her up in the process. "I can't believe I'm sparring with the Avatar!" Wing fist pumps in excitement.

His twin brother on the other hand was as ecstatic. Wei sighed, "I can't believe I'm stuck with her friend." Wing earthbends a trail toward Korra who jumps and dodges.

Further down, Kyto and Kenzo are sparring too but have more fluid almost dance-like moves to their fight. All the while, Bolin stands in front of Wei. "Hang on, I think I got it. Let me just try this." Bolin attempts and fails to bend a meteorite.

"Nope, okay maybe-" His train of thought was immediately cut off when he gets nailed with a slab of metal by Wei. Kenzo laughs in the distance before a boulder is launched at him.

Wei smirks, "Trial by fire. It's the best way to learn metalbending." Bolin ducks as a meteorite is sent toward him. He quickly bends a pebble at Wei, directly hitting his forehead. "Agh!" Wei groans.

Kyto chuckles in the distance before Kenzo kicks her. Mako and Asami walk over to the field, "Whoa. Nice shot, Bolin!" Wei grabs his forehead with both hands and makes little moans of pain. "But I thought you were supposed to be practicing metalbending, not earthbending," Mako says.

Rubs his red forehead before crossing his arms, "Yeah, cheater." Wei scoffs. "Mako, metalbending is extremely difficult. No one gets it right away if they can get it at all! It's not normal!" Bolin says.

Korra dodges Wing's attacks before kicking the meteorite away, wraps the cable around Wei's ankle, and knocks him to the ground with her cables. Korra jumps in the air with a cheer before flexing her muscles. "Metalbending champion!" Korra smirks. Kenzo jumps back from an attack from Kyto and whistles, "Love to see those muscles." Korra blushes red before turning to him, "Shut it, you dork." Kenzo laughs before yelling, "You know you love it!"

Suddenly Kyto comes in with a flying punch but her fist is covered in one of the meteorites. Kenzo lets out a quiet yelp from surprise before blocking with his sword. Kyto turns to Korra and apologetically says, "Sorry, he's not the best with words."

"Guys, it's time to get cleaned up. Tonight is Opal's farewell dinner." Asami tells the others. "Oh, now I have to say bye to Opal? This is the worst day ever!" Bolin whines, slumping his shoulders and walking away sulkily.

At Opal's farewell dinner, the chef gives Opal her plate. "Thanks for making my favorite meal." Opal smiles. "I'm really going to miss you, Opal. No one appreciates my raw veggie wraps like you do." Chef smiles, walking away to serve the remaining plates of food.

Bolin looks at Opal, "Every time I eat raw kale, I'm going to think of you." "You're so sweet." Opal smiles. Bolin slumps in his chair, "This stinks! We were just getting to know each other, and now you're off to the Northern Air Temple."

"We'll be together soon. You guys are coming up after finding more airbenders, right?" Opal asks. "Yeah, but that's ... in the future. Ugh, I hate the future!" Bolin groans. "Until then, we'll always have kale."

Opal holds up one of the kale wraps, which Bolin bites into. Suddenly, Varrick leans over to talk to Bolin, "Kid, can I give you some relationship advice?"

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