After All These Years...

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Three nearly four years later, in Republic City, in the central city station, with a large crowd around the entrance as President Raiko concludes his speech, "And of course, my biggest thanks goes to Asami Sato and Future Industries."

He turns to Asami beside her and says, "She brought our old central terminal into the modern era. Ladies and gentlemen, the world is entering a new age of peace and prosperity. Soon, Prince Wu will take his rightful place on the Earth Kingdom throne."

Two reporters walk over to a scrawny royal, and he strikes a pose for the reporters, taking photos. Raiko continues, "And thanks to our updated rail system, Republic City and the Earth Kingdom will be united like never before!"

The crowd applauds as Raiko raises the red ribbon for Asami to cut with a gold pair of scissors to open the new station ceremoniously. Later, Asami is finishing a conversation with a reporter when the same scrawny royal, Prince Wu, approaches.

"Hey there! Asami, right? Great train house. Maybe you can give me a personal tour sometime. What do you say?" Wu asks. "I do like the idea of putting you on a train and sending you far, far away." Asami says, annoyed, crossing her arms.

Wu chuckles and goes back to flirting. "That's...that's funny. I like funny dames." He steps in front of Asami and slightly bows. "Maybe I should introduce myself. I'm Prince Wu, future king." "Yeah...I'm aware of who you are," Asami says, not impressed.

"Don't let my reputation intimidate you. I'm still human, just like everyone else. Only more human, like, extra human, or, hmm, superhuman." Wu says. Asami looks him down and looks at him with a questioning look. "Superhuman?"

"So, what do you say? Can I show you a low-key night out with a superhuman soon-to-be king?" Wu asks, wiggling his eyebrows. Asami gave him an even weirder look. Mako interrupts them, "Prince Wu! President Raiko has some really important...king stuff to talk to you about."

Wu looks at Mako and lets out a disappointed whine, "Now?" "Fine." Wu groans out, then turns to Asami. "Think over the offer." He blows her a kiss and walks off towards the station to talk to Raiko. "I'll be back." Asami rolls her eyes, sighing as Mako turns to her.

Mako sighs. "He's a real charmer, huh?" Suddenly, two hands grab his shoulders from behind and kiss Mako on the cheek. He turns to see Kyto, in her police uniform, resting on his shoulder. "He's not much of a charmer, unlike you." Mako softly smiles at the flirty remark.

"Yeah, how can you stand being his bodyguard?" Asami asks. Mako sighs. "Well, I just remind myself that once he's on the throne, I go back to being a detective." "And that works?" Asami asks with a smile.

Kyto then interrupts, "Well, when I get home, I see him smashing his head against the wall for, like, an hour. Then I have to free up an hour or two to relieve his stress." Mako blushes and covers his face in embarrassment. "Kyto, was that necessary?"

Kyto laughs and softly nudges his side. "Not really, but I really wanted to see that adorable blushing face, bad boy." Asami laughs at the two's bickering and says, "It's good to see you, two. You're still messing with Mako, huh, Kyto?"

Kyto grins mischievously and says, "Just doing my part to keep things interesting." They hug, and Asami asks, "It's been too long. You two hear from Bolin lately?" Kyto shakes her head, but Mako nods.

"I haven't talked to him for a while, but he's coming in a few days for the coronation. And Beifong told me that Korra and her family are getting in tonight." Mako explains it to the two. "I can't wait to see her. Maybe she brought Kenzo with her." Asami ponders.

Kyto chuckles, "He better be with her because if he isn't...Spirits help him." Mako and Asami laugh. "It's going to be weird having the old Team Avatar back in the city after all these years." Asami smiles.

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