Three 🌹

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(Azania in the media)

As Nalani was at school, Katherine decided that she was going to take Nalani out to on a mommy-daughter date to try and get her to agree to join the family business. It's Kat and Joe's wish that she would carry on the family fortune. 🔮

Joe had called Kat for business related purposes only. May was still disgusted with him, but she only cared about the money and the reputation at this point in her life.


"Any word yet?"

"I'm taking her out when she gets home. You ease her thoughts and make her feel more comfortable about the process,"

"She can't say no,"

"Well, if she says no, then what?"

"We're just gonna have to force her. We can't let this shit die down. She's old enough to know the routine now,"

"What about Reasonz? You think he may wanna—"

"Absolutely not! We will not be getting my son-in-law involved,"

"But it's okay to get your teenage daughter involved? Like I want her in our side too, but I don't know if she's gonna be down for this,"

"Reasonz has his own successful business selling weed at his dispensary. He's good,"

"That lil chump change ain't shit,"

"What the hell does it matter to you?"

"Because he's way more mature. And who the hell named him Reasonz to begin with?"

"His dad! Look...just please talk to her and get back with me. Okay?"


"Thank you. I'll talk to you later,"

As soon as the phone hung up, Nalani walked through the back door. She went into the kitchen and grabbed herself a drink.

"How was school today?"


"So... I got some plans for us today,"

"Like what?"

"Let's go out tonight. Let's go to a fancy restaurant! We can just chill, relax, eat good food and talk...sounds good?"


"Okay, Nalani, you and these one word responses have got to stop,"

"I mean I don't know what else to say. These are close ended questions,"

"How about you go and get ready and then we can go out,"

"Okay, imma do that now,"

"I love you,"

"I love you too,"


Now entering the "cook out", this is where all the drugs are made, weighed, tested, cut and sent out to buyers. Basically, where the magic happens. Kat and Joe would typically check in on things down here to see how shit is going. Azania, who is the trainer and mini boss of the cook out, is the one that teaches all the new girls the ropes so they can know what to do. She plays absolutely no games.

Joe came to see what product they were bringing out and to see if they needed any more workers. All the ladies are not to wear clothes. They are only working in bikinis. They have to work in style! Azania is the only one who wears clothes. All their hair should be pinned up and nails should be cut low. They must also be barefoot. A separate room is a kitchen where the drugs are made and mixed. The ladies job is basically getting the drugs together to be sent out. They are in here for twelve hours a day.

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