Twelve 🌹

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Kat and Joe were on a mission to put an end to Widow. They gathered their biggest and toughest men for the job. They were sick of their business being sabotaged by her and they could not take it any longer! Widow was to blame, and they were on their way. Kat and Joe got in the car with a few of their men and drove to Widows location. The ride was long and quiet. They didn't know if they were gonna live or die, but it was worth a shot.


"Fuck you mean you don't know? Smoke, I swear to God, if you have anything to do with this...whatever nigga...I'm not bailing you out ass out! You did the crime, you did the time! ...imma holla at you later!" She said, as she hung up.

"He still ain't budging?"

"No! But I got something for his ass! How's Miley doing?"

"She's doing good right now. I haven't seen her and Nalani talking either,"

"Good. We don't need them to communicate at all. Fuck up the whole process. What about Nessa? Any word from her?"

"She's going to Nalani's house Friday,"

"Oh really?! Smart! You know her parents ain't gone care about a 'friend' coming over. I guess she's moved on from Miley,"


As they were talking, they could hear doors slamming from outside. Rye went to the window to see who it was. There were about twelve guys heading toward the warehouse.

"Widow, we gotta move!" Rye yelled.


"It's the Grande's! They coming!"


"Everybody, get strapped! We got trouble!" Rye yelled.

Widow hurried and got her big guns in line! Rye got three guns on him, and put on his scrub cap, ready to shoot whoever! The rest of the guys quickly locked and loaded. They put on their bullet proof vest, but the bullets already went flying. Everyone rushed to hide as they got their shit together. Rye was behind a desk as he shot at one of the men.

"Come on out, Widow!" Joe yelled. "I know yo ass is behind the this! You been sabotaging us! Come yo scary ass on!"

"What the fuck are you talking about? I don't got shit to do with this!"


"Okay? You wanna play? Let's play!"

Widow shot out three rounds. Six men had died already. Kat and Joe made their way into the warehouse. Rye shot at them, but they blocked it. Joe shot Rye in the arm as he fell back.

"AHH! Shit!" Rye screamed in pain.

"Widow, where are you?!" Joe yelled.

Widow hid in the kitchen as she was looking for an escape. Joe and was making his way to the back as Kat and the remaining of their men went back and forth with Rye and their squad.

"There you are you some of a bitch,"

Widow shot Joe in the shoulder, but that didn't stop him. He chased her ass down all the way outside and into the alley. He was aiming for her, but each time he missed. Widow shot back, but she missed as well. The gunshots scared the civilians as they were scrambling to get to safety.

Back at the warehouse, it was just Kat and Rye. Kat was trynna find Rye as he escaped upstairs. He was taking care of his arm to stop the bleeding. Kat checked every corner and every room. She busted through the bathroom and checked in inside but did not see him. Kat was kicked in the back and dropped her gun.

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