Sixteen 🌹

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Robyn woke up from her slumber and got up and stretched. She yawned and looked out at the amazing view from the window of her room. She felt fresh and reborn. She was thinking about her and Bubbles interacting yesterday and she felt terrible for basically temporarily cutting her off. She laid back on the bed and stared at her sealing. She felt movement on the bed almost like someone was on her bed. She turned to the side to see Sweet. She gasped, but Sweet covered her mouth.

"Shh! You're gonna wake everyone,"

"What are you doing here?"

"I came back to see you. I miss you so much,"

"I miss you too,"

"You're even more beautiful than the last time I saw you,"

"Where have you been?"

"I've been overseas, remember? I had to hide for a minute,"

"It's been so lonely without you. I thought about you everyday,"

"I thought about you too. It was so hard without you. I wanted to fly to you and touch you so bad! It was like going through withdrawals! So much went down when I got there,"



"You were in Paris?"

"Yeah. I found out I was set up by a person I used to know. He got me good, not gonna lie,"


"A guy named Romelo,"

"Oh. Well, you're back now! I won't be alone anymore,"

"Yes, I am, baby. Right now, I'm tired. Let's get some rest,"

Robyn laid down on Sweet as they both were went to sleep. Robyn felt so relieved and happy again, but it wasn't the reality she wanted. She woke up from her sleep and was cuddling with a stuffed animal. She looked around her room, but Sweet wasn't there. She threw the bear across the room and frowned. She really thought Sweet was back...

Jailee, Bubbles, Azania and Nalani were out on the back in the pool. It was literally 9:45 am and they out here swimming...

"Good morning!" Bubbles greeted with a smile.

"Look who's up," Azania said.

"What ya doing out here?"

"Getting ready for our big day," Azania said.

"What big day?"

"Smoke has been released from prison,"


"And we are going after his ass! We have a bunch of planning to do and we need everyone on their shit!" Azania shouted.

"All of us?"

"Yes! Including Nalani. Widow is also apart of this plan and it will be the only time we ever compromise. Found out some shit!"

"About Smoke?"

"Smoke has been the one behind all of the sabotage. He was behind Sweet having to go into hiding, he had people steal and lace Widow's drugs and he did the same shit to us. That's stopping our money!"

"When are we gonna get him?"

"Possibly in a few days when he gets comfortable,"

"I don't know about a few days. He may have more control since he's out. Widow has gotten back on track since she's caught a hand full of guys behind this, but if we wait longer, who knows how much more shit he'll mess up," Jailee said. "We need to get up there again, before Smoke takes everything,"

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