Twenty 🌹

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It was a week later after the battle happened. It was time to attend the funeral for Reasonz Gonzalez. His mother was extremely heartbroken and she didn't know that he had dealings with Smoke. All of this was new to her. It was a small Funeral with only his family. Azania, Kat, Bubbles, Jailee and Robyn were invited. The funeral took place at a funeral home in a secret location that was only giving out to the guest. There was a choir there ready to sing, food in the dinning area, and a guest lists of everyone who attended. His casket had his pictures on it, a banquet of flowers on top and it was an open casket. Inside the casket was all white. He had on a black suit, his hair was slicked back and he was holding a a flower in his hand. He also had a toothpick in his mouth as the family requested. He never leaves without his toothpick.

His mother took it the hardest because he was her only son. He raised him by herself from day one. He always made sure she was okay and did anything she said. They had a close relationship that no one could ever break up. Joe tried comforting her but there wasn't enough comfort in the world to make her feel okay about her only child being gone. Her eyes were red, her face was puffy, her makeup was ruined and her nose started to burn from sniffing too much. Azania sat behind the family and wiped her face with some napkins. She was taking it hard too. She had memories of pictures and videos of them together as they were out on dates and stuff, but it didn't compare to physical touch. Kat was on the other side of the room and watched as him Mom was breaking down. She felt horrible about the situation.

Robyn, Jailee and Bubbles sat in the back of the place because they were just guests. Nalani sat in the back as well because she didn't wanna endure the sadness up close.

"I feel so bad for them," Bubbles said.

"I do too. Reasonz was her only child," Nalani said.

"Damn, that's fucked up," Jailee said.

"Jailee!" Robyn said.

"I'm sorry,"

"I am not prepared for how things will be later. Ya think she's gonna treat me differently?" Robyn asked.

"She shouldn't. It's not like you shot him," Bubbles said.

"I know, but I'm with Sweet,"

"But you didn't shoot him. I mean, sure he could have killed him sooner, but we didn't know what Smoke was gonna do," Bubbles said.

"I think she's just mad at Sweet, not you," Nalani said.

"I didn't even know they were together," Jailee said.

"Jailee, you are so not helping," Bubbles said.

"I'm just saying,"

"But what did he mean when he mentioned Destiny?" Robyn asked.

"I don't know. Might have to ask him," Nalani said.

"Good evening, everybody. My name is Ruthann and I am the funeral director. Right now, we are going to start off with a song from the St. Thomas Missionary Baptist Church Choir. They will be singing One Voice with their lead, Toni Williams,"

Everyone clapped as the choir was getting ready to perform the song. The lead had came down to prepare to sing the lead parts.

I had a dream, a crazy vision
It may sound strange, this intuition
But it was true beyond description
And somehow I knew that it was real

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