Five 🌹

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It was now night time. Miley and Nalani were on the phone talking about how each of their day had went. Nalani expressed her anger for her parents as she was upset with them for trying to get her to ruin people's lives.

"I just can't believe this! Like I wanna be my own person!" Nalani shared.

"I understand! I completely understand! You don't have to do anything they tell you to do!"

"Exactly! I'm glad you understand. Like, damn! Sick of all this pressuring. I just wanna disappear,"

"Take me with you," Miley said.

"Shit, we can escape together,"

"Got that right,"

"I'm getting tired. Bout to go to sleep and hopefully feel better in the morning,"

"Okay, girl. Imma catch up with you later then. I'm sleepy too. Good night,"

"Good night,"

They both disconnected the call and Miley went straight to her bed.

"Hey baby. You bout to go to bed?" Her mom asked.

"Yeah. Just getting sleepy,"

"Okay. You know tomorrow is the day we all go the family picnic..."

"Yes, I know,"

"Aren't you excited to see your cousins?"

"I am even though I talk to them all the time,"

"You're a teenager, why ya go to bed so early nowadays?"

"Well, we can get stressed out to you know?"

"Yeah, yeah, I get it now,"

"Mom, are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm fine. I'm about to go to bed myself. I love you,"

"I love you too, mom. Tell dad I love him as well,"

"I will. I'll see you in the morning,"

"Good night, mom,"

"Good night,"

She turned off her light and closed the door behind her. Miley laid back in her bed and began to slumber.

About a couple hours later, noises can be heard in the house. There were rumbling and footsteps in the house. Then the window broke. Miley was alerted and slowly got out of her bed. She sat in her bed waiting for the next sound as she knew she wasn't crazy. She heard footsteps as the wood creeped with every step taken. She got up to look outside her window and saw two black cars parked a few houses down. She had never seen those cars before. She heard doors opening and hopped back into bed and went under the covers.

Her door creaked open and after a while the door was closed shut. She turned back around to see no one in her room. She heard another door creak open which seemed to be her parent's room. She heard them beg and plead for mercy.

"Please don't! No, no, no! Please don't! We'll pay you right now!" Her dad begged.

"Please don't! I have a daughter!" Her mom cried.

Two gun shots went off at the same time, echoing in the house. Miley gasped as she had just heard what she heard. The two men had walked out of the room and disappeared. She slowly opened her door and walked to her parent's room. She was breathing rapidly, and her heart was booming. She entered the room only to find her parents dead in a pool of blood on their bed. Both shot in the head. She let out a vicious scream as she was shocked by what she had seen. A loud noise of footsteps came walking back into the room. Miley turned around and she was whipped in the face and was knocked out.

The two men dragged her body out and into one of the black vans and sped off. 

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