Nineteen 🌹

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It was the last week of school for Miley and Nalani and things were looking good. Miley had got a brand new all pink, Range Rover for her good grades and dedication and Nalani was preparing to move out of her parent's house soon. Both girls still had envy towards one another and it looked like there was no fixing the friendship. Nalani had went to the student center to order some food before she went to class. On her way there she ran into Nessa.

"Wassup, girl!" Nessa greeted.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"Nothing, just rolling with you. What you got planned for the summer?"

"Moving out and making more money moves. You?"

"Working and working! I'm trynna get me a car! Maybe we should hang around more during the summer,"

"We could, but that depends on if I'm busy or not,"

"Right, right. Imma be over there with my friends and imma get back to you,"


Nalani grabbed her food and went to a table. She was eating and watched Nessa closet but not making it too obvious. She saw Nessa speaking with one of Miley's friends. She put Nessa to the side and saw that they were arguing about something. The friend seemed upset and Nessa was going back at her. She didn't know what Nessa was up too, but she knew something was off about her.

Miley arrived to the school and went into the student center with her crew. She paid no attention to Nalani. They all grabbed their food and went to the back to sit at the table.

"This summer is gonna be lit! I have so many plans this summer!" Jordyn said.

"Partying it is for the summer," Justin said.

"Im taking a trip to France!" Kole said.

"Imma be having my fun, but I got some big thangs coming my way," Miley said. "Widow said we got something big and we cannot miss it,"

"Is Nalani gonna be in it?" Jordyn asked.

"I'm assuming she will. I'm nervous though. I don't what she gone have me doing,"

"Probably in the back with a big ass machine gun," Jordyn said.

"I mean if she does, then that's that. I'm just worried about getting hit,"

"Just wear the bullet proof shit. You should be good to go. My girl is a dangerous woman now,"

"Just never shot nobody before..."

"Just think of it as getting revenge for your parents," Justin said. "You will get all of the anger out,"

"But it's not gonna bring them back,"

"I know, but it will help,"

"We got your back," Kole said.

"It shouldn't be that bad,"

"You getting Nalani too?" Kole asked.

"No. We're just going after one person and his men,"


"Look, I already told you guys enough. I can't spill any more beans,"

"We're not gonna tell anyone,"

"That may be true, but this is all I can say,"


"Besides, it's the last week of school and I'm trynna have some fun and not even think about that shit right now. All this business talk be giving me headaches everyday!"

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