Chapter 17

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Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail.

Chapter 17

Erza stood in front of everyone (Sabertooth, Phoenix Talon and Fairy Tail A) and pushed the door open. The light inside brightened the room and everyone stared in awe at the bedroom they were sharing. It was huge, both in width and height. The top of the room was rounded creating a large dome and on the wall across from them was a large rounded window that showed the breathtaking view of Crocus. The walls of the room were painted a dull pink and the floor was dark and wooden. Scattered against the left and right walls were a total of 15 large and comfortable looking beds separated into three groups of five. Surrounding each group was a curtain that had different guild marks on it.

"Awesome!" Sorano yelled as she flew from the back, over the heads of the mages and into the room. She quickly floated down onto one of the beds and sighed. Slowly the rest of the mages walked in and spread out around the room. Fairy Tail A and Sabertooth started talking to each other while Phoenix Talon stood together awkwardly.

Shinju, unaware of the awkwardness, squealed and launched herself into one of the beds that was hidden by the curtain with the Phoenix Talon guild mark on it. She kicked her legs and squealed, "It's so comfortable."

Yumi rolled her eyes at the other mage and quickly claimed a bed. Once she sat down she collapsed backwards. She stretched out and moaned in comfort. Meanwhile, Kukika stayed close to Hikaru, Chinami, who was still holding Frosch, and Taki. They all moved to stand behind the curtain and look around they're sleeping area. At the end of each bed were small dressers with names on the top.

"Everyone's already picking beds." Hikaru mumbled, watching the other mages as they talked with each other. Chinami tilted her head towards him and pushed a piece of hair behind her ear, her hood still hiding her face from view. She let out a little sound of agreement before pulling back the curtain so that their sleeping area was exposed, before bending down and placing Frosch on the ground.

"I'll talk to you later." She said rubbing the small exceeds head.

"Fro thinks so too!" The exceed giggled before turning around and letting out little sounds of glee as it ran over to Rogue. Chinami resisted the urge to squeal. Even though she couldn't see Frosch she could tell it was cute. She thought she could even hear little sounds going off whenever it took a step.

"I can't believe I'm being forced to share a room with other guilds. It's bad enough that we have to stay in the same place as them when they're our enemy." Yumi grumbled, laying out on top of her bed.

"Don't worry. I sure they won't try and pull anything." Chinami said picking a bed for herself.

"Listen to Chinami and quit complaining you tree branch." Shinju grumbled. She was about to pick a bed for herself when suddenly Yumi was in front of her.

"Shut you Shorty and quit calling me tree branch." Yumi hissed smashing her head against Shinju's.

"Why don't you make me you sl..." Shinju yelled.

Don't you dare finish that sentence you little b..." Yumi cut her off by shouting.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Hikaru yelled grabbing the two by the ears and pulling them apart. Ever head in the room turned towards Phoenix Talon in surprise. Kukika looked at them nervously before quickly grabbing the curtain and slamming it shut.

"Knock it off!" He hissed, when everyone slowly looked away. At this point Chinami quickly moved to where they stood. Taki sat in her arms and Sorano floated over and landed on her hooded head.

"Let's get one thing straight." Chinami whispered to Shinju and Yumi. The two girls could hear the deadly intent in her voice. She continued to talk as she stepped closer and closer while they backed away, Hikaru having now let go of their ears. "We are here to try and get more recognition not to embarrass the guild with your fights. The entire time we're here you two will keep the fighting down to a minimum." Shinju and Yumi both fell back onto a bed; when Chinami leaned closer the two bent backward. "You both need to put your pointless fights to the side and get along, have I made myself clear." She hissed. The two girls both gulped and nodded their heads up and down, whimpering a small yes. "Good." Chinami mumbled stepping back.

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