Chapter 9

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  • Dedicated to To My Friends- Bookaddict221 and Bunnylover11

This chapter is longer than others. Sorry if that bothers you.

I don't own anything except for my own ideas.

Chapter 9

"Be quiet you two, you'll wake up Chinami and Kukika." Hikaru whispered. He and the two exceeds had just returned to the hotel and were surprised to see Chinami and Kukika cuddled up and sound asleep in the one bed.

"Ok, but what are we going to do until they wake up?" Sorano asked.

"You should try and get some sleep." Chinami whispered causing everyone to jump.

"...I thought you were asleep." Hikaru said quietly.

"You guys are kind of loud. As I was saying, we should all try and get sleep till Master and the rest of the guild gets here, so we have more energy when the games start." Chinami responded before resting her check on top of Kukika's head and falling back asleep. Hikaru was going to say something, but as Chinami's soft snores echoed throughout the room he thought better. He slid off his glasses and vest and placed them on the end table next to his bed; he then bent down and helped Sorano take off her wig and glasses. After that Hikaru got into his bed and pulled the covers up over himself, Sorano and Taki. The two exceeds cuddled close to his side as they all fell asleep.

"Would you shut up you half wit, before you wake everyone up." Yumi whisper yelled at Shinju. The two of them had run into each other outside of the hotel and came in together.

"You're the one that's being loud, big boobs." Shinju hissed.

"Why you li..." Yumi started only to be cut off by Chinami stirring slightly. They both froze in fear remembered the last time they had woken Chinami up with their fighting; the memory sent shivers down their spines.

"Looks like we're going to have to sleep in the same bed, the others are taken." Shinju grumbled and Yumi quickly nodded in agreement, afraid to accidentally wake the sleeping dragon slayer by arguing. The two of them then lay down on opposite sides of the bed, almost falling off trying to stay away from each other, and soon fell asleep. On the bed beside theirs Chinami smirked smugly before falling back asleep.

The dark shape of a girl walked through the hotel room looking at everyone asleep. Chinami and Kukika were cuddled up together, Hikaru lay with his limbs outward making him look like a star fish with two exceeds curled up on his chest, and Shinju and Yumi had ended up cuddled together. The figure's mouth turned up into a large grin before the lights flipped on and the shadowy figure screamed.


The loud voice startled everyone awake causing Shinju and Yumi to scream and fall to the ground holding onto each other in fear. Hikaru jumped up on the bed and made a black sword appear in his hand, as the two exceeds fell off of him and landed beside him. Kukika screamed and quickly hide under the bed while Chinami just turned her face into her pillow and spoke.

"Suzumu, why?"

"Well it's your fault for sleeping at eleven o'clock at night. You knew we were coming!" the girl said. Hikaru sighed before getting rid of his sword and sitting on the edge of his bed, Shinju and Yumi quickly separated, with looks of disgust on their faces, before sitting back on top of the bed far away from each other. After a few moments Kukika came out from under the bed and hesitantly sat beside a bored looking Chinami, who had turned onto her back.

"Sis you shouldn't have woken them up like that." a girl spoke from the door. The girl then walked and stood beside Suzumu; who looked almost exactly like her.

"Come on Sumiko. It was fun."

Standing in front of the group Suzumu and Sumiko, who were also know as the Ying and Yang twins. Suzumu was tall and had long, wavy purple hair that reached her mid back; she was wearing a baggy, one strapped, white dress that reached her mid calf with a small black belt. Also she had on white sandals and her white guild mark was on her ankle. Sumiko was the same height and had purple hair that was straight and reached her shoulders, with side bangs that covered her left eye. She was wearing a tight, black leather jacket that had only three buttons done up, so the jacket barely covered her large bare chest and left her stomach exposed. Also she had on tight, black, leather pants with a large white belt and on her feet were short black wedge boots. On the top of Sumiko's chest was a black guild mark

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