The return - A brunch among friends

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The next few days, after this incident, remained quiet. While Crowley mainly looked after Aziraphale, Nathanael instructed Muriel in the exact sorting system and taught the inexperienced angel a thing or two about being human. For example, that the so-called "temptation" in matters of drink and food was not a disgrace. One could give in to curiosity and in tentative, first attempts Muriel did so. Little by little she increased. Tea, coffee, first bites of smaller dishes and gradually she understood the appeal of it all.

During this time, Aziraphale also recovered more and more. Even though the stitches still pulled at his back, he joined the sorties more often. Crowley, too, who now also dared to remove his sunglasses in Muriel's presence. Even though he did not feel such a connection towards her as he did with Nathanael, he had grown fond of her too and had worked with Nathanael towards this moment so that the inexperienced Muriel would not be completely run over.

Muriel was also newly dressed. Together with Nathanael, she had gone to the clothing shop in the neighbourhood and picked out something to her liking. To Nathanael's surprise, she chose a smart, pastel blouse, dark jeans, tied leather shoes and Nathanael even got to untie her tightly tied, gelled hair and redo it.

A calm, peaceful mood returned and for a few days, one could forget the stress of recent times. Of course, danger was always in the back of one's mind, but one enjoyed the calm before the storm.

This day was no exception, as Crowley and Aziraphale came out of the bedroom and both entered the bookshop all dressed up.

"Aha?" grinned Nathanael, who was already back at work with Muriel, "Do Muriel and I have the bookstore for ourselves?"

"Nope!" grinned Crowley back, "you're coming with us!" The two female angels, looked at each other puzzled.

"Where to?"

"To Nina's café," Aziraphale replied, smiling warmly at Muriel's question, "Now that you too can reasonably adapt to human conditions, let's pay her a visit! After all, we've kept her and Maggie waiting long enough!" Crowley agreed with his beloved with a nod.

"Besides, I'm getting tired of being intercepted all the time," he added to his gesture.

"Well I won't say no to Nina's caramel latte," Nathanael agreed afterwards and Muriel shrugged.

"There you go. I booked a table for four yesterday. Nina's preparing a little brunch for us."

"Oh, you can't refuse then anyway," Nathanael broke away from the work table and Muriel followed her to the men.

Together, they left the bookshop that closed Aziraphale and they walked to the café where Nina was standing at the bar and got a sunny smile when she saw the small group. "Mister Fell!" she beamed and stood in front of them all. To Aziraphale's amazement, she took his hands without hesitation and gave them a quick squeeze.

"It's good to see you again! Me and Maggie, had been really worried." Touched, Aziraphale returned the gesture and smiled at Nina. "Thank you for keeping your promise, Nathalie." Nathanael waved it off. "It was in my own interest!" she added to her gesture and then followed Nina, who led all four of them to a table. It was finely set and on the small trays, all sorts of small, handy snacks were dished up, fitting for a brunch.

"It's not like the Ritz, but I've made an effort," Nina turned to Crowley and he raised an eyebrow.

"That was a stupid thing I said yesterday," he groaned and sat down, whereupon the others followed him. "It looks wonderful," Aziraphale complimented, "Thank you so much!"

"You're very welcome," Nina replied, "I'll go and prepare the coffee. What would you like "Constable"?" she turned to Muriel and she smiled slightly helplessly. "The one I made for you," Nathanael helped her up.

"Oh! Yes. A latte with pleasure," she understood, "All right. I'll let Maggie know in a minute, too. She'll rip my head off if I don't!", Nina said a temporary goodbye.

"That's only proverbial, Muriel," Crowley grinned after the woman addressed had widened her eyes. "Oh, I see!" she breathed in relief. "Example: I could have ripped Nathanael's head off after she was back in the bookshop, contorted in pain!"

The woman addressed rolled her eyes briefly and raised her bandaged hand. "I get it!" she groaned in annoyance, causing Aziraphale and Muriel to grin. "Be glad, it's only figurative," Muriel continued to giggle and Nathanael stirred his arms in the air.

"Yeah, Yeah," she almost sang, "Lesson learned! Don't raise your naked index finger to a courtroom angel!"

"Well, but you had done it in good thought," Aziraphale tried to cheer her up and Crowley gave him a distinct look. "Well-meaning, but then spanking it?" he merely implied, and caught, the angel swallowed.

"Anyway," he cleared his throat, "let's enjoy what Nina has prepared for us first!" Everyone agreed with him and began to feast.

In between, Maggie also came by, who greeted Aziraphale just as joyfully as Nina. One could clearly see how good this appreciation did the angel. Nathanael and Crowley in particular felt more than just vindicated. Their efforts were rewarded in such situations.

The table was animated. While Muriel sat there more like a silent observer, Nathaniel had already firmly inserted himself, but this was also due to Nathanael's open nature. She didn't shy away from it, but got involved.

"This is on us today, by the way," Nina announced, symbolically pointing to the table, "after all, we did push a little to see you!" As the angels thanked her artfully, Crowley indicated a crack and grinned.

"Still," Nathanael continued, "you do have such a coffee fund for you and your female staff." Nathanael took out her wallet and pulled out a ten-pound note. During this gesture, a folded paper fell out of it, which Muriel picked up.

"Are you a note fanatic too?" joked Nina, and Nathanael accepted the piece of paper. "Er...not really," she replied in amazement, handing the money to Nina and unfolding the paper.

"But in this case I do," she smiled, "book title I liked!"

"You do realise we're a book shop, don't you?", Crowley wanted to comment sarcastically, but winced briefly as he received a kick in the shins. "Ancient bookshop! That's a newer title, though," she elaborated, handing Crowley the note, "it's something for you, too."

The demon took the hint and accepted the note. Like Nathanael, he read the lines briefly and then pocketed the paper. "Will keep it in mind."

Aziraphale had been watching all this with a deep crease on his forehead, while Nina and Maggie had now also tried to involve Muriel more in the discussion.

"Well. We can more than thank you, that was delicious," Crowley began to break things up, "We'll be back soon, I'm sure."

Everyone said a proper goodbye and Muriel, as well as Aziraphale, hurried after Nathanael and Crowley, who walked back into the shop at a goose step and stopped in the middle of the room.

"So, enough of the secrecy," Aziraphale said firmly, "what does the note say?" Crowley and Nathanael looked at each other briefly, while Muriel stared forlornly at the group again.

"You'd best read it for yourself - though I'm more concerned about who this note is from!" muttered Crowley, handing the piece of paper to his angel.

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