Being human - Everything is new

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The mood was interrupted by the slamming of the front door. "I think I bought too much bread," came a muffled whisper after the door was shut again and Crowley, as well as Nathanael, shook their heads with a smile. "I'll take care of it," Crowley grinned with a wink, got up and left the kitchen, where he almost ran into Aziraphale, who, in contrast to his beloved, had already entered the kitchen perfectly coiffed, shaved and dressed.

"Nerd," immediately sounded behind him, and Crowley returned with Muriel, who was indeed carrying a whole paper bag of all sorts of baking variations.

"I just have standards," Aziraphale scoffed and sat down at the table where Nathaniel poured him a cup of tea. As she did so, she also asked him if he had slept well and Aziraphale answered in the affirmative.

"How can you have standards early in the morning," Crowley growled, setting a small selection of the goods on the table with Muriel and then sitting back down as well. Muriel, asked Nathanael for a latte and the latter prepared it for her.

The youngest angel also took the opportunity to tell about Metatron's appearance in the park and immediately apologised for not having told them earlier.

"...And you were pushed, fell over in the process and after that he was gone?" summarised Crowley and Nathanael nodded. "Well, maybe I was wrong too. I mean, we were worried and confused..."

"...Still a strange coincidence," Aziraphale had gone straight into detective mode, glancing at Crowley in the corner of his eye. "Trip to the park?" the latter understood, and Aziraphale nodded.

"I could be wrong, though..." reminded Nathaniel again and Crowley raised an eyebrow. "Don't you indulge me and Angel in an outing? Like this in wonderful togetherness?"

Nathanael rolled his eyes. "Yes, of course. I was just going to say it," she defended herself, taking one of the buns. "Shouldn't we accompany you? For safety?"

"The park is already away from my miracle, Muriel," Crowley replied, "as I said yesterday, I and Aziraphale are safe now that we are human. We cannot jeopardise your welfare or Nathaniel's!"

Dejected, Muriel had to agree with the former demon. "We can use the time to look for clues as to how the current situation could have come about in the first place. I mean, Aziraphale has so many books, even about our history. Maybe we'll find something!", Nathaniel cheered her up.

"So at least we have a plan for the day. But first, let's enjoy breakfast now, if Muriel has already gone off for us!", Aziraphale decided and with a nod, they all agreed.

After the hearty breakfast, Aziraphale and Nathaniel cleaned up the kitchen while Crowley washed and got ready to go out. As he did so, he had to keep reminding himself that everything could not now be done with a miracle. When he almost despaired of his own hair, Aziraphale entered the bathroom and helped his beloved. After a tender kiss, they made their way into the shop where Muriel was already standing on the ladder to the bookshelves and Nathaniel already had a large, detailed Bible open in front of him as she sat at the work table.

"Well, we'll be off then," Crowley announced and Nathaniel looked up. "Do you have your mobile phone with you?" she asked and the addressed took out said device. "Very well. And otherwise, pray! Then I can hear you too!"

Aziraphale noticed the deep crease on the angel's forehead and with a sigh, he walked towards her. "Stop blaming yourself for this, offspring!" he understood and kissed her gently on the cheek, "We can do this!" Nathanael's worry line didn't fade and as she tried to smile, she winced as she was headbutted.

"OW!" she complained, and in the corner of her eye saw Crowley flat hand still swinging away.

"Didn't you hear me?" the latter admonished, nodding at Aziraphale who was also staring at him with wide eyes, "Stop it! It's not your fault!"

Nathanael and Crowley stared at each other for a short while. "It's all right," Nathanael relented afterwards and Crowley grinned with satisfaction. "Aha, you have trouble with eye contact when you want to be stubborn, good to know," he added to his gesture, wanting at first out of habit to take his sunglasses, yet he paused.

"I don't think you'll need them," Aziraphale now said softly, taking the item from Crowley's hand and then looking into his dark-browed eyes. "You needn't be afraid," he whispered and gave Crowley a kiss, who returned it and then took a deep breath.

"May I still take them?" he asked, intimidated, and with a warm smile, Aziraphale folded up the glasses and hung them on the breast pocket of Crowley's suit jacket. "Of course!" he agreed-.

"And I'm not supposed to blame myself for that," Nathaniel growled into her non-existent beard and moments later she squealed in pain again, having now been hit in the head by a soft object.

"HEY!"; she protested as she saw it was Crowley again who had punched her.

"Dearest!", Aziraphale now also scolded, but Crowley remained unimpressed. "Leave it! Do we understand each other? None of this is your fault!" the redhead now said more sternly and in a tone that lacked any mischievousness now.

It was plain to see that he wanted to give force to his words. His message was going to get through to Nathaniel.

"Okay, I get it!" the latter therefore said just as sternly and Crowley adjusted the collar of his shirt, which had slipped due to his movement.

"Memo to self, don't mess with Crowley," Muriel muttered inaudibly to herself and refocused on the books.

"Well, we'll be off then," Aziraphale defused the situation and pushed Crowley outside, pulling the door shut with a fade behind him.

"Look, I know you don't like it when someone wrongly blames themselves, but you shouldn't force that," the former angel appealed to his partner and Crowley stuffed his hands into his trouser pockets.

"Other than that, it doesn't seem to be getting into their thick skulls," he defended himself, grumbling, and began to walk down the pavement with Aziraphale.

"Difficult to get on with someone like that, isn't it?", Aziraphale couldn't help commenting, and immediately felt Crowley's gaze on his cheek. "So dearest, you can't disagree with me on this one, by God. You and the offspring are very much alike in that plane."

Crowley said nothing, but simply trudged on until he and Aziraphale arrived at the park.

Due to the increasingly cloudy sky, the park was sparsely attended. Only a few dog owners occasionally walked their animals along the gravel path and their narrowed eyes said everything about the weather.

"As if that would bring out the sun again," Crowley amused himself, entering the fenced area with Aziraphale.

"What do you think we'll find?" asked Aziraphale aloud and Crowley shrugged. "It's better to check it out, at least. Even if Nathanael isn't sure, it's strange, don't you think?"

Aziraphale had to agree with Crowley.

"I could well imagine him using it to further prick the poor offspring's conscience."

"So do I, and that's why I'm secretly hoping the bastard is here!" gritted Crowley, stopping when he noticed Aziraphale looking at him with a smile.


"You really like her!" Caught off guard, Crowley blushed. "B-but not in the way you think Angel!" he immediately justified himself, "I-I, I love you, you know that...right?"

"Of course I know that!" laughed Aziraphale, walking up to Crowley and kissing him tenderly. "I just think it's nice that you and Sprout are such good friends already. It helps me to be less afraid of everything. With you, her and Muriel too, I know I'm not alone. And that we can handle this, strange situation too!"

For the first time in a long while, Crowley's posture loosened and he accepted Aziraphale's embrace.

"You do realise that you can't get rid of me at all, don't you angel?" smiled Crowley warmly, and was now the one to give the kiss.

"I hope so," Aziraphale replied with a chuckle, resting his forehead on Crowley's. Unaware that they were both being watched.

Everyday it's a-gettin' closer - English VersionWhere stories live. Discover now