chapter 2

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   Now how to go about my plan of separating my sister and mister bland ,I woke up here as a ten year old so I still have like six years until  things go to shit .

First let's start from the grassroot problem why did we fall in love with mister bland in the first place, the thing is in the anime me and my sister are on bad terms because my sister was born with a very low magic affinity for a noble and is bullied because of it and me who has a very high affinity for magic i don't really bully her but I just ignore and avoid her for our entire childhood and then the main protagonist mister bland (not his name by the way ) comes along and solve our sister issues like a therapist and boom we become love slaves just like that and follow him around  like flies for the rest of the series until our demise.

Now with my intelligent analysis of the situation I have come up with two plans first get close to my sister and avoid any conflict with her infact I'm gonna be the best sister in the world, two poison my sister's mind about the protagonist by using boy's talk night  to tell her all the horrible things about the protagonist that the harem girls never seem to notice for some reason.

Now I have to start with the whole family sister problem, I will start a conversation during dinner something like how was your day yes that's a perfect conversation starter.

During dinner I sat beside my mother and my twin sister Nora sat across on the other side of the table while my dad sat at the head of the table. This is perfect from these angle I can see her reaction and work off that,as I opened my mouth to talk

"So how was your day"

I looked in direction the sound it was coming from my father who's name I don't remember because the anime doesn't talk about him much or my mother even

"My dear your father is asking you how your day was" my mother said smiling down at me

"It was good"

"I was worried because your tutor said you were kinda out of it today" my father said as he cut a piece of meat on his plate

Oh right all those things I was planning I was doing it while I was being tutored

"No it's just I was feeling a little tired today" I said avoiding eye contact

"Oh dear are you okay are you sure your not sick" my mom panics as she checks my temperature

"No no I'm not sick I was just tired cause I didn't sleep well last night"

"Oh that's good" my mother sighed

"I can't have my precious little princess getting sick now can I" my father laughed

Okay whatever anyway I'm not here because of you weirdos I turned towards Nora sharply

"So Nora how was your day" I asked giving the most friendly smile I could muster and the dinning room suddenly became quiet Nora  looked at me confused and stayed silent

"Your  sister asked you how your day was you should answer" my mother shouted at Nora

Hold on chill she doesn't really need to answer

"It was good" Nora said in a small voice

Okay this isn't working out how I expected, after that Nora excused herself for the night okay if I'm gonna be friends with Nora I'm gonna have deal with my parents, I looked up to my mother .

"You shouldn't have rised your voice at her like that" my mother looked at me surprised "but my dear she was rude to you" " .......are serious I ignore my father for a few seconds to and I didn't get yelled at instead of yelling at her you should have asked if anything was bothering her haaaa excuse me" i said leaving to go to Nora room not bothering to look at the surprised look on my parents face.

"Can I come in" I asked knocking on Nora's room  door she opened the door of her room  and shifted a little  to the side giving me space to come in after I step inside she closes the door behind her and goes to sit on her bed

"So what do you want"


"I just came to apologize for dinner mother shouldn't have yelled at you like that....."

"It okay I'm used it" she cuts me off shapely "if you don't have anything else to say you can leave"

Wow she really doesn't like me but I can't give up our lives depends on it literally .

"So I was wondering eh would you like to play with me" I asked giving her a big smile

"We have tutoring tomorrow" she sat up giving me the an annoyed look

"Uh we can play after lessons"

"I have to go over my notes'

"Eh uh oh we can study together"

She sighed " look I don't know what you're trying to do but I don't want to be compared to you anymore so please leave my room I don't want to study or play with you tomorrow or ever" she said calmly laying back down on her bed and facing the other way .

Okay this gonna be harder than I thought I wished her goodnight and closed the door behind me , I'm not gonna force her to like me but I'm not gonna give up either.

Just you wait sister I gonna show so much love and care that you won't be able to live without me it's the only way to ensure my oh I mean our survival .

Hope you enjoyed this chapter 😘

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